“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” --Maya Angelou

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Yes yes, I was a bit harsh last night. However I am sick of apologizing. No one really acknowledges how nasty my situation is and a person can only retain their dignity for so long.

I got the impression that certain parties were frightened by seeing my family that it had an impact on them.

It gives me the idea that alot of this might be more so due to my father's family actually. Well they can also bite me. If my dad thinks that bratty violent vengeful Italian and Eastern European tantrum suit is going to fly with me he's got another thing comin'. Do you think I am my mother or something? I love how stupid both sides of my family are thinking they can f*ck me over with the same sh*t they used on the other parent's side of the family without considering I posses THEIR dna therefore unlike the opposite parent I also know what THEY are up to as well. Why would I not know what my parents are thinking? How stupid are these people? I was under mind control and being gaslighted not an idiot, geez.

That may have worked to pies off or spook my mother but why would it work with me?

My paternal aunt used to make these veiled threat remarks like " Your father owns a gun ya know". So who gives a sh*t? Like it would be that hard to counter that if I was serious about taking action.

Committing violence seems pretty easy if her smart about it. Its harder to stay in control, believe me I know. In this day and age and especially in the 90s do you realize how easy it would have been to get some crack heads to commit some violent act? Plenty of takers for that kind of thing. Being stealth would be easy as well. Remove the gun quietly before a planned confrontation..whatever. Humans are easy to read and they are generally careless and stupid..if they are not professionals.

Its all too much work and also men tend to waste their time on such bullshit. Id rather show off how smart I am and fix things in a system that doesn't work. Ruling the world or destroying your enemies to then dominate an empire seems too easy as well as boring. Dismantling a bigger system or a section of one, say the homeless industry is alot more fun. The status quo thinks their archaic system will stand and protect them forever and Anarchists are morons who don't have a plan for what they would live under after destroying the system in place to begin with. I would love to see what Anarchists would do to defend themselves after dismantling the US say or the UK when then enemy factins came to take over after the country was weakened. What are you going to say to terrorists from aggressive nations then? Diversity and other bogus systems of social control will be received with a bullet to the head most likely.

Yeah I would love to know how much my dad's family has in on this. They may have money and connections and be innately violent but they have absolutely no class whatsoever or refinement and they are all quite mad.

If my dad had anything to do with my demise I will hunt him down....as if I couldn't have done that at anytime prior anyway.

Oh how lucky these people are I am above all this. Seriously. Becuz they are all really stupid. Its no wonder they had to send an army after me to contain me. Ha, now I think of it Julia used to get paranoid and think I was going to usurp het and take over her business. What a stupid silly woman eh? She should have been more afraid of that monster Linsey who she used to work for or her other associates. Drama that's all it was. Just her usual self serving drama trips.