“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” --Maya Angelou

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Thoughts on Globalism-Our Survival and the Wretchedness of The Living Among The New World Common Man

Thinking about being given crap from a garbage man I so annoying.
Large corporate in the Northeast doesnt work-theres no standard of decency and people don't clean anymore.

All these people that would have been working in factory jobs years ago now perform a bit of mixology at Starbucks and act as if they are Marie Curie in a lab or making drinks at the bar at Studio 54 (with the atypical millenial awkwardness as their version of 'cool'-as in so chill yer dead cool. Like barely alive or able to stand life and being human without safe spaces and oppressive fascist rules of behavior. Ugh). Yet do a white glove test on the lamps or the edge of the wood on the walls or in the corners and it's mortifying. The quality or cleanliness of the seats in an area this wealthy isn't old money sensibility of being frugal-its cheap, tacky and just plain lazy and lacking in concern for hygiene or ascetic.

So it's pretty shitty up here nowadays where the public now have internet, communications and spy equipment available to them every hour of every day. Then big corporate provides them with a modern day 'factory' environment with the illusion that they are classy or special.
Thus we live in a nightmare of commonality, conformity, hive mentality, dumbed down society, lack of decency and if anything the lack of specialness, uniqueness or beauty everywhere. The illusion of 'exceptionalism for all' leads to a complete lack thereof.
Also what results are a bunch of kids too young to clean their own rooms and have enough proper training in any kind of work taking every single job around the area or people from areas that have unfortunately had to exist without proper sanitation thus no one cleans anymore, no one keeps up equipment properly, employees don't tidy up, or keep order.

This is globalism and it's disgusting. Which is the last kind of culture we need considering globalism and climate change are going to cause more disease now and in the future along with people using anti bacterial for everything.

Boston has in it's recent past history, as long as I've been alive, had a sort of backlash agaisnt elitism, Puritanism and the scrubbing of Catholic nuns-all rooted in 60s rebellion and the tendency here to have ghettoization before people gain upward mobility.

When suburbanites now blame the third world foriegners colonizing their areas for all the littering I remind them of Boston's long recent history of very bad littering. It's actually a side project I plan to take on after I'm done with the big stuff. It's one of the worst problems in this area and NYC and it's been that way for decades.

It's really bad. You don't see this in Cali or other parts of the USA unless it's a bad neighborhood that just doesn't have the resources and probably has corrupt people running it if it does.
It shouldn't be happening here.

So it's laughable when outright snobbery replaces class and taste, decency and genuine civility in a place like Boston, with it's collectively brainwashed inexperienced Millemials and youngsters, globalist middle class and People From Somewhere Else-which could be a third world country or just another part of the USA.

What we had was balanced and special and it took hundreds of years and many changes to become the complex culture that was here with many social cues and cultural nuances keeping a delicate balance on a daily basis.

Then the Russians invaded. Red Dawn became a reality. The Liberal Elites we trusted to tolerate and support us turned on us when Obama and co began suing to force 'hope and change', really just making way for the banksters, the war for profit machine to expand, big pharma and the building boom and real estate greed.
The corporate marxists placed anyone who did not conform to the new Lib Elite fascist rules into the Golag prisons-and as is the rule with colleges, convinced the kids they were changing the world to create a Utopia, harnessing their hatred of their parents and all 'the old people who are going to die soon anyway'.

Now the Marxist rules that rule so absolutely here serve to exclude anyone who is a non believer thus effectively blocking many of the kinds of people who would both speak up agaisnt the invasion of globalsim and also cannot pay the outrageously inflated rents.

'Santuary Cities' are simplya method of creating ghettos in a time when such a thing should no longer exist. And it benefits organized crime, slum Lords and of course cheap labor for the condo people usually People From Someplace Else-who could care less about the local culture and don't even know or understand it.

Now that most citizens have been effectively indoctrinated, hope and change can begin for the banksters, the condo people and the people who handle their service industry.

We've been left with no culture, a destruction of our private, small pretty city and a heart torn apart on a daily basis watching our cities torn up too much too quickly by the men with the big machines that destroy and build-for THEM not US.

I theorize that without terrorism both foriegn and domestic the oppressive unethical system of cult mind control known as PC culture would never have been able to be the total mind and social control it has become over the public. Instrumental to youth indoctrination were the colleges and universities along with terrorising older citizens to conform or be attacked, blacklisted, ostricized and out of a job.

With that in place, especially as a diversion from real issues that need protest and attention that effect ALL of humanity-the banksters began with the elite to plan their mega cities and building booms. Local culture is a threat to globalism. Locals are small ignorant people who represent nationalism and probably can't afford the condo rents and also when people are taught about White Privilege it's been documented they have little sympathy for poor or alt whites. Their impact on local black communities is dealt with the usual guilt, denial or however gentrification has always been validated.

To the cult of false progressives, trained in Marxism thus trained in Marx's disregard and hatred for the lowest classes due to our supposed lack of class conscious, so useless in class struggle, it's easy to crush the local communities and cultures. Due to it being a brilliant invention-a form of corporate Marxism, class struggle is translated to Identity Politics and consumerism has actually excelerated as opposed to the notion of fighting the system through non consumerism.

This is why the fake progressives fight and protest to death over trifles that really only concern and support corporate, mainstream culture and life, while ignoring completely their part in supporting the Complex (from military contractors to big pharma to corporate prisons etc), homelessness and human rights abuses as they exist globally and in reality within cities. There is a marked rise in anti homelessness with these changes as well as a sharp rise in homelessness and addiction to meth, opiates and shit drugs from foriegn countries like bath salts and K2/Spice.

Seems to me that fake progressives have coopted the trappings and even lifestyles of the truly progressive and alternative and are actually supporting corporate culture and it's bankster funded destruction of cultures and cities. All while reducing quality of life for anyone outside the mainstream corporate world.

Anyone who argues with them especially in regards to cultural genocide or the realism of racial conflict is a fascist, a Nazi or a racist. The alt right is now associated with white supremacists instead of providing hope for many demographics of hopeless people of all ethnicities who aren't included in the globalist plan for world domination.

If this isn't the biggest bullshit to come down the pike in my lifetime I don't know what is.
If it was anything valid or close to what it claims to be then genuine activists would not be suppressed and replaced with diversionary, socially acceptable mouthpieces who tow the official line, look good on YouTube or give good face in publications and cause diversion not change, add to that all the fakery at protests that plan and incite violence by design.

A relative nobody like me wouldn't have had to be framed with the involvement of two major elite universities-one that's been turned into essentially a military contractor and the other infamous for being the intelligence community's paid little bitches.

My frame up illustrates all that's wrong with the lie of globalism and the truth that must be guarded with lies which the public must not see. (Taken from quote, source not recalled. "The truth must be guarded by lies").

As an odd agent type young black man said to me once a few years ago, their greatest concern is that "we don't want to alarm the public".
Revealing the truth by exposing the agenda for what it is, I assume is what 'alarming the public' refers to.

Pity because that's my goal and it's got to be done regardless of consequences.

It's obviously also that in the megacities being built, small voices will be virtually ignored, lost in a huge ocean of people and noise on the internet and in media. Local will be meaningless and it's effect a mere ripple in a vast ocean. All the while big media creates the content that the masses will consume and live by.

This is also logically part of the plan to enslave humanity slowly through these methods and it's effect of silencing dissent.

Protest and radical culture and icons are obviously being contrived and provided to the public because the powers have learned that genuine dissent must never reach them, but fakes must be manufactured for their consumption.

Alex Jones didn't begin to have legal troubles or be framed himself recently (dismissed but typical COINTELPRO to tie him up in court and smear his name) until after his falling out with his connected wife.

Theres an old lesson from Zine culture that 'dissent must be manufactured'. The recent changes to our world and it's cities is a demonstration of this on large scale.

Loaded language is another clear sign of a cult in action. 'social justice', virtue signaling, woke or wokeness. Who says these words or phrases have meaning? They are words placed together to create meaning where there was none, given definition by cult leaders and creators.
'Pro-active'. 'Reaching out'. I didn't reach out, I called you. Yet 'reaching out' gives one the mental image and illusion of the physical action. Merging us. Bonding us. Denying both parties their privacy (an intricate part of maintaining cult mind control).
It wasn't bad enough that 'pro active' became a verb but then it was so easy to become a product and that's because it's not much difference between 'pro active' and Pro Active. Both are corporate logo born and made up for consumption which is why the transition is so easy.

Drug companies can't copyright anything from Nature so they must copy it's chemical structure then alter one thing in the structure, thus claiming it's THEIR creation.

This is the essence of fabricated culture as we live in today.

We are coming into a world of complete and total falsehood made possible by the internet and a global world who's ability to 'reach out' is out of control. Parks designed from natural spaces are being done over to create SIMS video game like structures, designed for lack of privacy, complete inclusion and connectedness to 'the other', sterility, coldness, lack of Nature's design, anti vagrant or homelessness, and focused on performing or doing tasks instead of quiet contemplation, relaxation and communing with Nature.

Indoor spaces have been experimenting for years with creating False Environments even outdoor spaces between indoor ones. Mega cities are now building in and around these concepts.
I predict that with climate change and ongoing nuclear leaks and waste, the creation of domes or underground cities would be necessary, which will evolve from this new fakery created around us, created in the natural environment. The weather will be controlled, transport, etc. No doubt what is going on in the background now that many have theories on to control human thought, feeling and behavior will be complete by then. No trees, large bodies of water, storms, snow or old lead walled buildings will be able to protect humans from it's influence.

It's been documented that native technology born humans (Millemials) brain waves differ from former generations.

It's been proven and it's well known that LED lights create HEV or blue light that's used in Arctic areas to treat SAD sunlight deprivation. There is no way they should be used at night for the safety and health of human and animal life.
They are making people sleep deprived, sick and causing heart disease and obesity and over long term will cause eye damage.

Yet none of this is being considered. All common sense and human decency has been subverted. It's not gone it's just been suprrssed behind the insanity of cult brain washing and terrorizing of the public in the western world and beyond.

I don't think the warnings of 1984 the novel can even be considered nowadays, as it happens in reality around us. The book seems more like a taunting from the perpetrators of the horror as opposed to any useful blueprint for resistance or a solution.

The worst crime of this new world is that through terrorism, diversion and forced concern for what is subscribed instead of what's really going on, is that these cult members of this cowardly new world as opposed to they believing themselves brave pioneers is they insist on denying the very real, ever present problem of genuine dissidence being silenced, oppressed and challenged. Of the existence of intrigue, of conspiring by unsavory people in power with compliance of the public. Of covert methods of control or accomplishment. Of murder, lies, genuine evil existing in the world, in their own hearts or in their own backyard or their own authorities.

It's common practice for nations claiming democratic rule to use means of control that are hidden from public outcry.

By branding People Of Color as the only poster children for civil and human rights issues and creating the ongoing illusion that African Americans somehow are the torch bearers of civil rights in the USA a dangerous illusion has been created that both excludes the fight for freedom of all humanity globally and the plights of other demographics. While the plights of black Americans is remembered and kept alive, their part in taking down genuine dissent of their own people in their own communities through programs like COINTELPRO is forgotten. How can African Americans be trusted so implicitly with representing a collective fight for freedom for all people when their own was destroyed and coopted so many decades ago?

How can we trust a community that watched King and Malcolm X and Panthers get shot and tortured yet preserved the likes of Farrakhan..the man who helped groom Obama?

Identity Politics reduces human diversity to a perception that humans are a box of crayons without any regard for ethnic background or history. This is typical of the Obama era of indoctrination which involved heavy regression and infantilization of American culture.

The same kinds of people who saw Africans in their native land and thought they'd do well picking cotton in the hot sun in the American South or sugarcane in the Caribbean are most likely putting their designs on what to do about the warming of our cities urban landscape and what to do about the needs of the growing Globalist Middle Class buying all the condos being build and purchasing entire Midwestern boarded up towns.

It's naive to think the elite and the banksters 'care' about People Of Color or anyone else but THEIR bottom line, agendas and needs. Since when is this the case in any history book.

If I were in their position I would use the internet and any other method to direct, control and train the masses if i could.

This is not enlightenment it's enslavement. The 'woke' are asleep.
It's not 'revolution' it's drastic change forced by terrorism from all sides and different actors.

It's a deception.

There's no way in such a reality i would be framed for speaking the truth or at least creating theories that question what we know as reality.

There's also no way that in such a Utopia of total love and 'hate not welcome here' that any demographics would be omitted, left out in the cold, sacrificed or forgotten.

How can a nation embrace hurting people to establish a culture of the total obliteration of hate, while taking part in a building boom and gentrification as well as the continued support of a war for profit military industrial complex as well as Silicon Valley corporate entities like
Google, Facebook etc deceiving us into trusting them with depending on them for our communications then denying our US Constitution?
A recent leaked Google memo clearly states a more 'European model of civility over liberty, democracy and freedom is necessary to deal with new threats on the internet' (to that effect).

The fact that people are ignoring any hate or damage that is occuring simply to assist the corporatocracy and those in power to accomplish the goals of their agenda illustrates just how fake the progress and it's Politically Correct cult really is.

It's brilliant for the designers to utliize the most effective systems of oppression from Russian methods and Communist systems to China's SOCIAL CREDIT SYSTEM and fuse them with capitalism. The gold standard has been reached in an effective way to control human behavior-all made possible by the internet.

Cell phones as addictive toys for mammals with predominant simian behaviors. Another amazing move and I don't understand how it continues.

Anyone with any high creativity or drives or intelligence should be tired and bored with smart phones or the internet by now. It's normal for humans to get bored with toys. Why people still grip them at any free moment is a mystery to me. It does seem more like addiction or enslavement as opposed to willful participation. Which again shows how getting the common public up to speed with toys as learning tools benefits the corporate and elite agendas and not the evolution of humanity itself.

No questions allowed, no free speech or though, no dissent or rival opinions or systems of thought, ideology or philosophy. Something that demands obedience so absolutely cannot be a road to freedom or represent the much sought after and anticipated evolution of humanity. Especially with all the covert shanannigans involved and the denial that such methods of guiding an agenda and deception exist.

There must be an offshoot for anyone smarter or more predatory than those comfortable with Globalsim.

Those very smart will conform and keep their opinions to themselves to succeed. The public will believe anything they are told as PC is the replacement for religious adherence for some and a definitive culture norm for others.

What of us-those smart enough to see through the deception that have no stake in being part of it for our own benefit and are, by birth and circumstance, unfortunately, bound to the discarded concept of truth, honesty and human decency?

We will be marginalized, through this new global world design. Though brilliant, it's deadly to many of us. It's goal is to enslave mankind and rip him from Nature once and for all totally. The clever LED HEV light has been documented to interfere with the human pitituary gland and the sense of connectedness to a universal sense of belonging or love, aka soul or a god.
It seems in it's absence, there is provided for us a world where we are constantly connected to others in an almost dream like reality, guided and minded by AI gods in our near future.
Yet this will be the blackest of dark places to exist for the human soul. Through the false glaring lights of mega cities, illuminated screens, blinding LED blue lights and induced feelings of false happiness and contentment through terrorism, indoctrination and appealing to man's most murderous, selfish, evil within yet excusing such drives through participation in fake progressive feel good movements, humans will no longer know the difference.

Hell on Earth is the only definition.

Anyone genetically deviant or unsuited for slavery will be effectively excluded by design. And drowned by an ocean of enslaved humanity.

This is the new Dark Age yet unlike before there isn't want for anything and there's safety. It's an illuminated dark age.

In order to survive many of us will have to abandon the cities or force our way into carving out niches for ourselves to continue to exist and be heard.

There should by all rights be WiFI Refugee cities. There should be Dark Skies communities that reject any light pollution.
There should exist alternative living communities or an evolution of what is now I'll defined as 'The Homeless' community.

One curious thing about the megacities being built now is the now obvious experiment/smoke out operation known as OCCUPY. It seems that in theory once it was discovered that there existed intelligence, dedication and drive within the homeless/Traveler community to organize and cause change, steps were taken to curb this population even destroy street scenes around ivy league universities even severe local control over areas via brutal covert militant methods to ensure that feds were in charge not locals and to allow that agenda (and the real estate greed) to take hold of certain areas, seemingly without any resistance.
Then came the use of pumping bad drugs into street scenes, then abuse of involuntary sectioning, baiting-triggering of already stressed, sleep deprived people. The same old formula-agitators, INFILTRATORS, sabatoge.

The stats on homelessness are being manipulated to make it appear that mental illness is what causes homelessness by way of offering anyone who's committed a crime a choice between an involuntary three day commitment for eval or a jail cell and trial date.
Making addiction a mental disorder also helps these stats.

It's a left handed compliment that the lowest socio economic class in cities especially college areas should be considered for our intelligence strength, ability accomplish and determination as compared to those who are part of the mainstream.

This indicates only one possible conclusion:the managed perception of homelessness is a deception. Those that 'drop out' of mainstream society and it's archaic housing structures are actually more intelligent, perceptive and physically superior in as far as endurance is concerned. I'm sure the scale on that raises as one considers whether the homeless person is an independent Urban Camper (outside sleeper) or Traveler as opposed to a person who's dependent on a shelter system which is designed to control, oppress and control this population.

Instead of allowing Globalism and it's often viscous, competitive middle class to destroy us those being driven out need to organize and create something new. If they insist on doing so then we should also in the interest of survival.

Globalsim is indeed anti Traveler, anti homeless and anti dissident.
Then we need to survive by means of alternatives. The fact that Globalism appears to crush any discussion or even theorizing of such alternatives and dictates itself as an absolute, shows that alternatives are desperately necessary.

There has to be a place away from the grounds of the corporate plantation. Someplace where others can exist and also partake of the city's resources. Another well played hand-driving out dissidents from areas of resources to minimize their effect and activity.

We need real light not false illumination.