“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” --Maya Angelou

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Some People May Get Thiers and Yes, Its Fun To Watch- But Remember Those Who Did Right To Begin With/ Dont Become A Monster Yourself

Gee. I had been so busy being chased across the country and targeted that I missed out on all the fun..and good news.


Yeah, its called dont interfere between a woman and her man by giving the spoiled rotten rich kid gigs in your industry that will ensure he is good for life in the industry. Also putting him in contact with that bitch Amie Mann who wrote that song Ballentines (bite me bitch) wasnt such a good idea either. I am still fantazising about Ice T having her drive by shot for good measure. She seems to think she is an expert on who is good enough to be in entertainment or television shows. I dont know who she f*cked or what family she comes from or what mafia or Masonic connections (or military or CIA or whatever) they have to get her into such a solid position when she is simply just another musician with good writing quality, known around Boston to be 'difficult' (which means that you are just so talented that Boston is too small and petty for you, so moving to L.A. was the logical next move. Only there could they accept and understand her- another blonde bitch rich kid snob, a sociopath who will excel in a business full of the same.) One should ask HER how it feels that no gentlemen hold the door for her anymore, she's been running on something else other than pure raw talent and energy for some time now- connections- thats all it takes to stay in these positions of success.
After writing 'Voices Carry' you'd think she would want to stay away from men who get off on abusing women, like the scum in Aerosmith..and my ex.

Closet cases off of them- get a room guys. At least my ex has a great asset in one place anyone can see these morons have little to offer. A lifetime of compensation is all they can muster, becuz all the money in the world wont do you any good since they havent created an operation for that yet.

At least the two bean poles keep thier weight down and you can tell they will do anything to keep it that way. Perhaps Jake eats out of guilt? Or perhaps the things that made him the unhappy 'fat kid' I fell in love with and never minded he was overweight, perhaps instead of f*cking over his dirt poor girlfriend and projecting all the blame for his problems onto her (ME) he should have used N.A. for what its supposed to be for: finally taking an honest look at yourself. Hmph, all he did was read the text quickly and memorize it like a written piece of music and then play it to the crowd. For effect of course.

He was so stupid. Dont you realize that when you get clean and sober that is a very vulnerable time and thats when society tries to dictate to you who you should be, to get you to conform, to get you under control permanently. They HATE spiritual people and since Bush they absolutely loathe and are totally threatened by anyone who has spirit, real talent and basically want to make everyone zombies. I know it sounds like an outrageous or ridiculous claim but its true- there is a war on human conshusness. From HD tv and audio to Just Say NO! but take yer psyche meds. Believe it or not, there is actually a way they seem to be able to stifle or muffle the human ability to make and direct orgone energy. Perhaps its just in certain people. Its like this way to be certain mankind can be enslaved- its all for the same end but its through various methods and mediums.

And you might not want to assist the likes of Bush, Romney, Guiliani and McCain and friends in whatever campaign of just absolutely ridiculous levels of evil they pulled off during the Bush presidency and of course Hayden as head of the CIA- actually those were the worst years, and if you know Hayden's connection to Aquino and COS, TOS you know what I am on about.

Did anyone think you can be part of that and just walk away scott free? Its not about just assisting this system in destroying someone like me, you are assisting such a system in the entire enslavement of mankind.

I notice that nothing bad is listed in the news as to have happened to the drummer. That isw most interesting .and I will get into this more in my book so it all makes sense. During the time I was really in danger and I had an idea NA people and music people were helping Jake and other enemies of mine to destroy me, discredit me and assist in getting me to move to Phoenix AZ (later I would understand this was to make me look like I had some part in the federal drug running between Phoenix and Boston. It was part of an attempted set up, and that was supposed to get me to run to the FBI and blab so I would be killed as a rat. Typical disposal of MK Ultra victim witnesses, according to Ted Gunderson.) (also, a guitarist friend of Jake's from Watertown, his girlfriend worked at the CVS pharmacy where I got my sedatives filled and while on her shift half of them were missing from the bottle. I reported it to my insurance. Later on Scott hinted at the attempted frame up by simply saying Jake was "stupid. And his friend Drew is stupid too.", Scott being a genuine criminal and these kids being rich kid jerk offs. I was also told by an informant in St Louis that "The feds arent stupid you know. They know...whats going on". Thank goodness somebody did becuz I sure the f*ck didnt. Being MILAB-ed in the southwest on a bus can really confuse a person.)

This is when it was really bad, like being targeted heavily, constant gang stalking non stop. Getting my mail with it being already opened and the post office sending it along like that fixed up a bit- a veiled threat. People turning on me and telling me they never heard of me on a second phone call when they would corroborate my stories on the first phone call. Real threats.

During this time period after arriving in Phoenix, I was in this walk in closet at this perp's house I was naive enough to rent in. I couldnt lift my arms thats how sick the mold exposure had made me with mycotoxicosis- it was neuro damage I was dealing with. No matter what the feds thought, going to a dry hot climate, taking herbs and excercising on that bike 20 miles a day from Phoenix to Mesa improved my health so I could fight this system for years afterwards.
As I marveled at how much my body had changed from this damage, I got hit with this vision of that drummer from that band. This was not the first time I got a psychic impression of this personality. I got this impression that he really felt what was going on was realllllyyy wrong. Very wrong. He felt badly, he didnt agree with it at all. What was surprising was the strength of the transmission- his moral conviction conveyed very prominently.

This is why what has happened to me in the last few years, the anti semitism, the racism, all these things that I am becoming out of being surrounded and influenced by hate for so long I cant resist anymore- becuz there were many Jews in the beginning of this that I recall were morally disturbed by this situation. One woman at the Newton art center I modeled at tried to warn me about "Newton has alot of money; hidden money" and I just didnt understand. And then she stopped showing up to this art class where this semi talented rich kid jerk Damien and the staff as well as another art model and his adult students were fully aware of what was being done to me- and they not only did nothing but they would goof on me for it too. Some comment was about how I was akin to the Man in the Iron Mask character. Damien once snidely commented on how I looked hopeful, as if it was the only thing I had left considering my situation. Real torture. These are the kinds of people, local rich assholes who would do things like put me under hot white lights so I would be passing out trying to stay awake for a portrait sitting. That was at a private office in Newton with some guy and a few fat rich ladies. This guy claimed that I was of interest to them and fascinating simply becuz I was so poor.

That gig stopped as soon as the white vans showed up and one day he just looked white as a sheet and drained of blood- terrified. And he promptly canceled all future appointments.

Someone once wrote me and consoled me that the White Vans and the Black Helicopters were supposed to be to protect 'us'. The programmed kids, the MK kids, the experimentees, the Satanists RA favs or perhaps Satan had come to claim his brides. Who knows? Who knows if its the worst kind of people protecting us from stupid average citizens who are bored and playing games with people's lives.

All I know is that I have seen that the people who moved unjustly against the innocent have been punished and called on thier sh*t and the ones who were righteous to begin with were protected or rewarded. But I have also seen sell outs, betrayers and the worst kinds of people rewarded- perhaps I simply havent been close enough to them to see them suffer, people like my old land lady, Julia etc.

The worst thing thats happened is that I myself have turned into a rotten person. One can only take so much and then you succumb to the evil that surrounds you. Its mostly due to years of mistreatment but also my health being so screwed up becuz of taking constant evasive action is probably a major factor.

None of this matters. None of it. There seems to be a higher order that takes care of revenge and comeuppance. I should have written this years ago. I have become stronger sure but the ego I have had to develop to ace this is obnoxious, its not even Ego, its becoming this power mongering entity or alter. I dont know if years of torture along with knowing how to handle your enemies is a good thing. Learning how to handle power while becoming increasingly confident in destroying your enemies after internalizing years of abuse and torture from what is percieved as society in general can only create a monster. This process,the conversion of a person into such a monster seems in itself a desired end to these years of events.

Cochran once responded to me telling him a perp informed me I was being targeted becuz I was going to be the next Hitler, by saying that "its about time we had a female Hitler". That is not encouraging. It also makes me very suspect that this system taunts one with prophecies, gives them a negative end like claiming thier actions are to PREVENT one from becoming the next Hitler, yet all the while doing everything possible to turn that very Target into an angry, hateful yet powerful human being.
Also what spooks me is Howie, that older scumbag, sorta-kinda-seems-connected-to-Irish-mob type of guy from Watertown Narcotics Anonymous- the one who arranged for PI John Panderos to get an expensive lawyer to "rat on himself" to the feds as he claimed (while, it seems, implicating me,which is ridiculous and obviously part of thier sloppy local frame up attempts), years ago..many years ago like 1997 or so, Howie gave me this book on Hitler's life to read. It was the original psychological write up on Hitler done by American or British I cant remember- by intelligence and psychologists. It predicted he would kill himself.
What was so eerie was the manner in which Howie gave it to me to read. This was just as the gang stalking was getting in gear, becoming overt during late Clinton but not 24/7 just yet as after 2003, and it was after my mother got "followed" and intimidated out of going to the President's Advisory Committee On Human Radiation Experimentation in 1995 as a documented radiation experimentee, parents both US Marines.

He KNEW. This bastard knows something and it goes beyond just the federal investigation cover stories and all the local bs of that time frame. Looking back there was alot of indication that pedophilia was accepted and a large part of the lives of many people in those Watertown NA meetings. Certain people looking back exhibited many -isms that would be easily spotted now by someone like me how is aware of what predators act like where as before I would not realize who I was talking to or living with, mostly out of being used to their presence in my family as normalized, the foster home etc etc. Even though I was not as damaged by these people due to my ability, then as now, to tell oppressors and predators to 'f*ck off' basically, they were dangerous people still.

Howie giving me that book to read and focusing on Hitler's suicide was chilling- now its so obvious that it was done with some knowledge of my being programmed. In all likelyhood it was a normal expectation that I would one day, at the end of my twenties, also suicide. Yet the way he put it was in such a manner as to implicate or intimate that Hitler killed himself becuz he was a bad person and also that he was a weak person- a weak character or mind. More rich asshole's mind games with inferiors? Perhaps but from recalling this experience its as if Howie had some other more definate superior knowledge of the outcome. And something always has told me its connected to Masons or organized crime, in that mix somehow. Its definately connected to perversions with women and judging from that crowd at that NA meeting- probably children.

I didnt understand back then that its an actuality that child molesters- not just pedophiles but child molesters, gravitate towards each other and knowingly congregate and even form groups or networks for protection. Thus gang stalking as being described as "grouping together for protection and profit" by Eleanor White I believe (who's work I have found invaluable over the years and who has, unlike myself, seemed to ward off becoming a monster from years of being chased by them as I am struggling with myself these days).

Its sad to look back not just at my family but at most of the people I used to know and think that so many of them were perhaps not just tolerant of child molesters and wife beaters in those meetings (explaining why there were so many Jake sympathizers and people to assist abusing me through gang stalking) but were involved in such activities themselves or capable of abuse. My own ex didnt want to look at his own abusive behavior of a sexual nature, that simply stemmed from his victimization and used our infighting as a couple to simply just put all the blame on me with various set ups. The ones that would have sent me to jail I was protected from, like the one involving trying to sell my pills obviously but the ones that were smear campaigns, where years later I read interviews where he used the media outlet to assist in smear, when I was so out of it being harassed so hard I wasnt even involved in being part of the normal world anymore..during Bush. All this went on when I was being kept in prison basically except it was done right out in public spaces around the USA.

This is just a sample of the gross abuses of power that went on during Bush not to mention the less understood and publicly known Hayden during late Bush early Obama. Forget what you already know as war crimes, it goes much further than the obvious, its what was done covertly. When you put the overt material with the covert activities, one understands why still there is so much going on now to keep the public from holding that administration responsible for those crimes and actions against HUMANITY, not just individuals. What is going on now is still to keep the public from daring to deal with the crimes, the outrageous abuse of power during Bush and Hayden, the diversions never end. And its going to stay that way until they feel they have sealed the time line they have created, this horrible reality of thier creation where torture is normalized and believe me when I tell you that alot of this is cover story- that its done for anti terrorism or that its necessary, that its NOT for ritual value or that its NOT further human experimentation.

When I recall Howie handing me that book on Hitler and the chilling revelation that he killed himself- like a coward and his intimdations with and without words that I would one day do the same, I see that 'evil' is around us all the time, daily. Those of us who are being duped, that in the perp's assumptions, were born to be victimized and duped by the likes of they who feel they are our betters, were surrounded constantly by this presence of evil- and stupidity. We were always angry becuz we knew we were smarter than the mob of people who kept us down, and only by those actions were they our 'betters'.

Perhaps that is what Bush and the truly black clan have given us. A contact with such evil, such sinister existence. Direct face to face with the black hooded ones- that we now can see this all around us. We see it for what it is, we see this clearly.

Never again do we have to live as slaves to simpletons who by merely forming mobs and quietly gas light a naive helpess victim or aggressively destroy and beat down that person once they demand respect, life and a right to exist and exert thier Will.

We are all free. We may show scars of our meeting with such forces. The burning stays with us, in our souls for the remainder of our earthly existence. But once the blackest forces have shown you more consideration than the human beings around you ever did-by having at least the balls to take you on in battle face to face or try to destroy you head on- you realize just how worthless such human beings really are.

The challenge is to not become as Hitler or any other similar person. And after being a TI especially connected to RA, its tempting believe me. Still many human beings insist on being arrogant towards TIs, still believing us powerless and themselves the winners in their 'games'. The one thing you dont want to do is allow someone like old man Howie to be correct in his assessment of the manner of your demise.

After direct contact with something so evil, people like him, everyone you used to know- seems to be just a slight dimension in comparison. As if they exist only slightly compared to what one has experienced. DONT become Hitler, DONT become a serial killer.

I know its tempting at this phase to see humans as if you can put your hands right through them. Thier weaknesses are evident now, you know what they are thinking and its usually not much. The temptation now to see such beings as inferior life forms is very dangerous. One must fight this at all costs. Becuz only GREATER power can be in the following stages of this process if one handles these changes correctly and exerting extreme discipline and control.

And always recall, dont loose sight of the people in the past, through out this process who had chosen a right path of morality, who by thier nature simply found the wrong being done to you as repulsive. There are and always were 'good' people if you will among humanity. If you recall, if you focus and look back, there were always helpful people and persons who simply would not take part.

At this stage I am at now its very tempting to become arrogant, act out of becoming confident as the gang stalking subsides and I grow in power due to my being able to ace thier attacks and systems by now. This is when all the years of being exposed to pure evil can pose vulnerability. That very evil can leak right into your own nature, without you realizing it. A reward of sorts for living through being abused for so many years. Now you have the power but be careful not to start thinking like the perpetrators of such abuse.

I will tell you with all asuredness without knowing Michael Jackson directly that this is most likely a phase of turning people like us go through- and in each case look where it ends up.
No matter what you do this system wants you as a sacrifice and it will try to keep tricking you and trying to get that from you for as long as you are alive. Why I still dont understand but that is our designation. Michael obviously gave in to being in the power position. And it only led to his own downfall, but always keep your eyes, as in any magic act, on what the hidden hand is doing. Notice that Michael was sacrificed as a little boy, worked like a slave and the people who were responsible for that NEVER PAID THE PRICE FOR WHAT THEY DID. Yet who died with the charge of being a perpetrator of pain and suffering on children over his head, society generally taking joy in his death due to this view of him? THE ORIGINAL VICTIM OF SUCH CRIMES IN HIS OWN CHILDHOOD.

This is ritual abuse. These people dont f*ck around and the get results. And they use trickery and will keep doing so all yer life long. To them you were born to serve them, to be tricked and use by them. This is what you have to fight mainly. You are most likely magickal, sensual, talented smart and beautiful- with a beautiful spirit. To the MONSTERS you were born into as a family and thier cronies in this world THEY SIMPLY PERCEIVE YOU AS WEAK.
This is the defect of thier character. This is why they find company only in those that think as they do. I dont even think most of them even know any better. Thier just stupid, like an inferior race on earth. Unfortunately, they exist in mobs they are networked and organized. Pedos tend to be the best at hiding in plain sight in society like the true career criminals they are. HOW? MOST OF THEM ARE COMPARTMENTALIZED THEMSELVES. How else could they 'switch' from the abuser to the normal front they present in society? Trust me this is why psychiatry cant cure them and instead of admitting to the definate existence of DID and all related mind control issues or trauma based issues society seems to prefer to just keep it all quiet. Its far to primitive to primal for humans to deal with.

Dont make these same mistakes on this path. Sure destroy your deserving enemies and get revenge, it seems like the system does alot of that for us in many ways. But in return we must not become Monsters. And to avoid an unsavory ending such as Michael Jackson's example is also a great revenge. Remember they think you are ultimately stupid and weak and expect you can be fashioned into whatever they desire.

If Michael had the strength to tell his family to go f*ck themselves and perhaps even threaten his dad one day, maybe with a hired gun that would actually obey HIM and not the bad guy for once- then take only a chunk of his money and pay off the scum bag family with the rest- sort of throw a large portion of the meat at the dogs while you run away with just what you need, then maybe he would have had a much better life. Not one consisting of being horribly abused as a youngster, only to die with that label hanging over his head while the scum that made his life horrible didnt pay for thier crimes. Remember- the gang stalking system treats cooperating parties with a bit of sympathy.
When I go to hospitals I get tortured for the most part unless its a specific place, lately one hospital has been great with me and it seems they are doing this to redeem themselves as the college connected to them was very mean to me during Bush. BU is redeeming themselves- all teaching hospitals connected to Harvard still want to play games. My mother however has always gotten nothing but total coddling from hospital staff. Why? Its a way of not only rewarding the participating parent but also keeping THEM under mind control, if not bonding them to The System so they continue to sell thier kid out.

Take a lesson from every sad life of mind controlled slaves and RA survivors who were not as informed or didnt play the cards right throughout the games: you dont want to let them win, ever. And you have to accept that in this life you ARE a designated human sacrifice and some people within 'the cult' if you will are never going to perceive you as any thing other than that.

Its very hard to not give into abusing power since you want to do that so badly to repay society for not only doing that to you but allowing The Monsters to do that to you- but even greater power is available if you resist...or perhaps use extreme discipline and control in metering out just punishments. Life will provide the opportunities- believe me.

Indulge in delicious revenge, just dont gourge on it, as you will never be as good at hiding what a pig you are as people like my mother, her family and a number of other scum who were around me. If you were capable of being akin to a serial killer which these people are really, you'd have been doing it by now.