“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” --Maya Angelou

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Princess Does Science- A Touching Look At My Family Who Believe I am Gone Like A Bad Memory

Ha. I know this is my cousin for sure now, her face has changed but she still looks similar as the last time I saw her. http://www.myspace.com/kristenw14

And I go through her pics and what do I find? http://www.myspace.com/kristenw14#%7B%22ImageId%22%3A42463148%7D "Me and DADDY". Awwww. Guess what PRINCESS? He was my uncle before he was yer blessed Da Da. I would know that selfish, guilt ridden, lyin ass face anywhere. He looks like my mother in the eyes, just like my grandmother. That photo is right out of the early 80's. Want to know what he was thinking? Becuz I know these people better than they would like me to. He was just realizing that he had alot to protect now since this little girl came into his life. He was so protective of her when she was born. He wouldnt even let anyone into the house except his mother to see the kid in the beginning. With all the death and horror he had seen and been part of what else could one expect? He made it through the 70's and as I recall that scared look on his face was not just a look I recall him always having from years of the scumbag typical abusive family manipulations they would use on him, trying to make him be like a black sheep when all along it was his father, the main perpetrator of abuse who was responsible, but also becuz he had realized that years of his past were always going to be with him- and this little girl became his new future.

Its not that I am jealous. I have no siblings so I never understood sibling rivalry. My mother and aunt used to try to push me to be jealous of her but I never took the bait. I had no problem with him doing a wonderful job with his kids, but me being a scapegoat and attempted murder is just a bit much really. Youd be pissed too if you were a genuine loving soul that just wanted to be treated fairly by your own family and they end up betraying you worse than you ever figured they could have, even if thier track record was nasty to begin with. Assisting this system in doing what it did to me was just a bit much. However I can see how people would want to protect her and thier family over someone like me, thinking that she is somehow worth more than I or I am worthless in comparison.

Funny how it ends up that I also do nothing but research. And remember I have not seen heard nor known what my family has been up to until having the thought and the courage to look it up just now tonight.

Must be nice to have such a great life, and friends, and a husband and a career. One that is credible not one that people hate you for or scoff at.

What these people dont want is for me to make it to the point where I can tell you EVERYTHING I recall about the 70's, and whats really behind my family. As well as other more prominent people in Boston. I never realized I had so much information or power to wield. Whats most sad is that it never had to be a showdown. Its my family's fault really. They are so barbaric, so Germanic in nature that they have never understood anything other than corruption and battles. Fighting is all they know. And being controlling and intimidating as well as pathetic attempts at manipulation has always been the way they handled things including me.

To my uncle's credit my mother lied to him often and kept many things from him as well as the rest of the family to make her appear non abusive or make my actions appear sinister or selfish. These people were the worst liars and career criminals I had ever seen in my life. They only worked for real career criminals and always either got into trouble or screwed up a ploy by bad timing or not knowing how to handle a target. My mother telling me it was the feds harassing me and then switching up the script out of nowhere one day thinking intimidation was going to make me accept it is one such example of a total lack of finesse in criminal dealings. It was frustrating to deal with becuz like a fool I was related to them and trusted them but from years of experience with REAL career criminals even not knowing everything just observing, I got joy out of observing the total screw ups and stupidity of my family trying to manipulate me. Every time I would beat them they would just ignore me and find the next controlling, nasty move to put me down.

Hmm, kind of like society has been taking part in for years now with gang stalking. So that is why the gs system has tried repeatedly to re invent my original family dysfunctional situation and use it as a holding pattern. This is not just about mind control or handling a mind controlled person. This system is far more afraid of me as a victim witness and has been simply manipulating the fact I was a Survivor of mind control to accomplish thier ends.

I love when the tides turn, dont you? Becuz it always happens eventually.

Isn't it great I had to watch my cousins grow up to be adults by looking at a MySpace? Nice huh?But this is how I am percieved in value and always have been. To my uncle's credit once again, out of his two stupid sisters, one psychopathic and selfish my mother and the other my aunt, who lives endlessly in denial he always was usually more receptive to treating me like a human being- which is why information was with held from him so often most likely.

The women in that family are more dangerous than my grandfather ever was, most notably my grandmother. People have no idea of the coldness I have seen that woman capable of- the manipulation. And everyone just writes it off as one thing or another- not when she was capable of running an entire family like central control of KGB. This woman knew how to have everyone feed information through her and her be thier only true family connection. There was something more going on with my grandparents than meets the eye. Thier capacity for denial was incredible. As if..gee, just like people who are COMPARTMENTALIZED. Gee, ya think?

Now I think of it, my work is a hell of alot more important to humanity than genetic engineering. Awww I dont get peer reviewed so it doesnt count? I dont get official recognition? Yeah, one would have to have more intelligence and balls of steel or something of steel to do what I have done. I always liked my cousin, due to our similarities but I have to consider that she has known what is going on for the duration. My uncle I know was at least in on part of the campaign during Bush, as he made a snide comment about me having a wonderful phone voice, and how professional it was, an allusion to my part in adult entertainment. Gee, did he know that I was going to be chased around the country, people trying to get me into cars, attempted druggings that strangers as hospital employees and pharamacists had to save me from? Harassed and stalked from coast to coast? MILABs? That during the war years they could water board you basically using tech and a hovering helicopter as part of their anti terror toys the public didnt know about? What about trying to get me to kill myself in places such as St Louis where upon my making it to the bus depot alive, blacks that worked security actually snapped thier fingers in a gesture like 'damn she got away'. What about being so stalked by police that in Buffalo NY I actually disassociated into what was perceived as out of body due to cops being the most nasty gang stalkers due to thier training in sneaking up on people and being the worst predators every? Did he plan on any of that? OR DID HE, LIKE EVERYONE ELSE SIMPLY WRITE ME OFF, TURN AWAY FROM WHAT WAS GOING TO BE DONE TO ME BY THIS SYSTEM AND LIVE IN HAPPY DENIAL WATCHING HIS PRINCESS GROW UP INSTEAD? Hmm lets see...that is familiar. OH YEAH!! That is all my family knows becuz they never faced off that bastard father of thiers so its easy to get them to hand over a lamb for a slaughter and go into denial during the abuse of the person. They grew up with that...so this system knows how to make them do what they want them to.

I didnt expect anyone to fight this with me as I understand being targeted was nasty, but ya know, most of these people could have at least took me aside in a private conversation and told me how 'They' were going to come at me or how 'They' were going to try to destroy me over time. Instead my own mother and grandmother would gas light me by dropping information about the big 'They' without giving me information I would need to survive being hunted and psy oped, my psychiatrist too, "THEY need to know someone is advocating for you". Of course all the afore mentioned people eventually turned on me. Even the people in the TI community who you could tell were intel or some other form of operatives were shocked and disgusted by the letter my psychiatrist sent out in the end to help the system discredit me and destroy me. Why would these women think they could control this beast by not telling me everything and protecting me? Becuz I never ever thought anything that naive. I always knew the nature of this system, that it is ultimately violent, destructive and murder is nothing..in fact its entertainment. Perhaps it was years of dealing with Julie. I saw just how rich, how businesslike and how systematically things were taken care of for the sake of money-- and silence.

Its hard to do battle with idiots around you. I cant tell to this day if my mother and my grandmother were simply naive and thought that they could handle this beast and didnt understand how nasty it was or if they were gas lighting me as part of the first portion of the gs campaign and turning on me later was planned.
Dont give a sh*t either.

I look at his face now, this family member I used to feel connected to and feel nothing. I dont even recognize this person. All I know is that they sold me out. And they were always selfish enough to do so anyway. I see a stranger. This is what this system wanted to accomplish all along. To remove me from my old life and memories completely and discredit me totally if ever I did preserve any connection at all to these things.