“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” --Maya Angelou

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Scandinavia Being Destroyed By Invading Muslims Using Systematic Rape as Militant Tactic


Seems the Muslim world especially the males have found ingenious ways to continue to destoy cultures outside their own.

They don't tell you this in politically correct America, that the high rape rates in these Nordic countries are due to the immigrant populations from refugees or Muslim immigrants. They are raping underage girls, real young, to ensure they are raping virgins. This is on purpose.

Yet you have an activist from America who touts being a Jew and says that Jews are going to be resented once more for bringing 'Diversity' to Sweden and Europe in general.

Why is an American Jew basically supporting the mess that has formed in these countries due to MUSLIM invaders?

Jews and their cousins basically share many traits when it comes to intolerance of.outsiders into THEIR faith yet they either by force or by deception, gladly invade others culture and countries.

They very much resemble each other with their religious fanaticism and dedication to them and theirs while having systems firmly in place to keep outsiders out permanently.

The Scandinavian countries need to cut their ties to modern Christianity and revisit the strength of their pre Christian roots and destroy the.invaders and their cousins who are basically acting as promoters for the talent- in this case the rapist champion Muslims.

America wants countries we know we can look to for.good.example of how to live, quality of life and environmental sanity.

Once these countries are co-opted by force and destroyed there will be no.shining examples of humanity left in the world especially.for Americans.

The beat down and oppression provided by Christianity is being taken advantage of by Jews and Muslims who aren't into peace as part of.their religious outlook ad one.can plainly see historically.

This is the negative side of Christianity and the Jews and Muslims know this.

It would be interesting to hear what Scandinavian Jews think the Muslim invaders. It would be interesting to see what they think of their American counterpart and her.actions against the countries they now have called home probably for hundreds of years.

As an American I say kick the invsder's added and blow them to hell. As a New Englander - find sneaky legal ways to oppress them and limit.their power while.still appearing tolerant. As a Bostonian I say crush them daily with strong power,money,other local ethnic groups and a heavy handed police force firmly.tied into organized crime.

My southern European DNA wants to advise that Scandinavia begin a blood bath of assasinations and 'accidental' deaths and bad luck that would make any Italian proud.

In fact I cannot understand why these countries are not doing so to begin with. Get zMuslims who are loyal to your govt that can infiltrate the enemy and then target the Muslim radicals who are doing these crimes, and scare the remaining population into behaving themselves IF they want to stay in your country.

Personally I would like to see the entire invader population thrown out of Scandinavia by force. A total expulsion. Right back to Muslimland where they can't rape anyone vaginally anyway due to their propensity of performing Female Genital Mutilation on girls around 8 years old so their vaginas are a patch of skin that cannot be entered without cutting first.

In fact I see now that this sick urge mutilate young girls is exactly what they are doing to your women with underage rapes. Its exactly the same thing actually.

Obviously this.culture is sick and obssessive and can't live without brutally subjigating women, kind of like their orthodox.Jewish cousins do in a psychological way by vilifying their menses etc.

These Middle Eastern primitive urges to degrade,control and enslave women should not be tolerated by any European country. You aren't Middle Eastern.

Judaism is Middle Eastern. Christianity is Middle Eastern in origin. Islam is certainly Middle Eastern and has ruined indigenous Middle.Eastern and north African cultures over the past thousands of years.
Persian (Iraqi) women were once generals in the military and scholars. It was this area of the world that had preserved ancient knowledge that the Church destroyed and kept from Europeans during the Middle Ages or Europe's dark ages. The Crusaders returned reintroduced to ancient Greek concepts and complicated mathematics that went into building the grand churches around Europe we see today.

The original inhabitants of the Middle East deserve better than this, the women of deserve better and certainly Europe does not need to have this disease of oppression and repressed homosexuality and brutality in the name of religion brought into their evolved countries.

At least the invading Middle Eastern Jewish culture keeps to itself and seeks only to destroy through deceptive means and can be negotiated with and is capable of omprimise. Thousands of years of wandering through Europe I guess and picking up various European DNA has altered the typically fanatical and brutal Middle Eastern urges. Though no Isreali I ever met would admit that blue eyed blonde Isrealis and Jews from anywhere have European DNA, even when presented with logical reasoning or say, science. Ahh, religion and belief over reality once again shows itself in the Middle Eastern character.

Christianity took over Europe by preaching peace. But what good is peace in the face of an enemy? I recall that your Jesus fought against Jews in the Middle East ad well as the occupying Romans as a freedom fighter basically.

These Middle Eastern based religions have destroyed Europe in various ways over thousands of years time. They preach tolerance, charity and not to murder but do all of.the above and worse to gain dominance world wide.

Have you ever really looked at Jerusalem? Its just this little neighborhood with a few religious factions on each corner. And fighting with each other constantly.

Let THEM live like this in constant bickering if that is their nature but don't accept such nonsense into Europe, where its bad enough at least two.Middle Eastern religions have a strangle hold as it is. Why are you tolerating another? Another product of foriegn thinking and belief that seeks only to destroy Info European peoples and oppress these cultures for eternity.

Europeans might just be the most oppressed people on the planet...by three strains of Middle Eastern bondage: Allah, Jehova and Christ.

Accepting these people as simply wounded and in need of time to heal is a huge Christian mistake and yer once again asking to be invaded, co opted and oppressed indefinately.

Diversity is very different from what is going on here. Concepts like pc and diversity are being used to cloak aggresive actions to destroy Info European peoples. Wake up and do something about this. Don't let Scandinavia fall prey to yet another Middle Eastern foot stomping tantrum to be recognized as King of the damn world. Their religious beliefs are always very monotheistic and male centric.

In the USA we have ways of keeping these things under control, mostly by having other ethnic factions that will kick their added if.they even tried this shit over here.
Doesn't Sweden have any military force? Deploy it then on this Muslim scurge. Stop being so nice or whatever the hell you are doing.

I bet there is massive mind control in place over there and that is why they can't defend themselves.

You know its well documented that systematic rape is a military or tactic used by militants in actions of war.

Then these are aggressions that can be categorized as war like actions against the population.

Time to kick.some ass people..small factions of too easily vilified Neo Nazis performing hate crimes in return is NOT an acceptable return fire.

Time to call out the troops.

Or are we to assume that Scandinavia is like other countries and doesn't value it's female population? That they deserve to be subjected to abuse from OUTSIDERS WHO ARE ONLY INTERESTED IN GETTING TO YOUR WOMEN IN ORDER TO DESTROY YOUR ENTIRE SOCIETY.

And their are morons there who claim any party wanting to keep Sweden SWEDEN are an 'extreme party'. LOOK AT WHAT THEY ARE TRYING TO COUNTER. SYSTEMATIC RAPE IN THE INTEREST OF TAKING DOWN THE STATE IS PRETTY EXTREME.

If that American Jew wants this kind of.diversity then let her daughters get raped by Muslim fanatics. Now that would be justice worthy of the Old Testament wouldn't you say?