“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” --Maya Angelou

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Funny Hate Mail

"you are completely out of YOUR mind. Tim Burton is a GENIUS. I am so tired of you bigot fucking republicans reading into everything trying to protect your children. All you're really doing is hurting them. you people need to get a life
By Anonymous on More nightmares for the kiddies: Tim Burton's ALIC... on 3/9/11
Publish Spam Delete "

Republican....LMAO. F*ckin Republican. That was great...is this person serious?
I never said he wasnt a genius, moron. That is not the point here. In fact it would take a highly intelligent person to create a nice nasty psy ops piece. Lots of people are geniuses. Its all in how you use it is the question. Ethics.

The math genius (official not public opinion) from Russia http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/07/01/grigory-perelman-reclusiv_n_632335.html that I posted on months ago that came over and left due to disliking the dishonesty of acedemic types high up, is a genius who has ethics.
Only in America would people think that being a genius automatically makes you a better person than anyone else. That and having lots of money I assume.

And I have no children either. I just hate bad artwork and obvious deceptions.

You can stand up for Tim Burton but the abuses at Gitmo escape you. You couldnt stand up against Bush.
America and other western nations are now so devoid of culture as well as living under oppression that they need Tim Burton, they NEED Disney World. If not they may have to face reality and that would be disasterous for both the oppressor and the oppressed. The people have a little agreement with the authority figures. And entertainment is the drug that keeps them happy in this relationship.

I wonder if that was a perp or someone is really serious about not reading the content of this blog and also is that devoted to Tim Burton? After you wake up to what the world is really about, you often wonder why the 'normal' people in modern western culture are not seen as crazy. You believe in fantasies but you do not respect the hard work of a freedom fighter or activist.

Thats pretty out there. Thats the beauty of the mob. Humans dont mind being collectively psychotic as long as they have lots of company, all validating that reality. It might just be the secret to human survival.
"Tyson is a freak, he used to make 20 millions per fight, all that money is gone his managers, Don King and other employees stole all his money, Now hes playing with birds in a screwed up streets he's a fucking retard. Hes not to smart thats how he was before he started fighting.
By freedomfighter2 on PETA and Mike Tyson/Electric Immobilization vs Con..."

Lets see you come out of Brooklyn in the late 60's early 70's and then get jetisoned into fame and see if you fare as well. Most people that environment never get out. Hes from the 'screwed up streets' to begin with.

And he was 'playing with birds' as kid before he became a boxer.

And how is boxing supposed to make you smarter? If anything after too many fights people are permanently punch drunk. Look what became of Ali. There is nothing retarded about thos knock outs. Most athletes and true artistic types arent good at worldly affairs. You just dont see it as much anymore becuz our culture has done away with excellence of the individual due to pushing an insect mentality of equality for the NWO. Far off as that seems, a grand scheme its true. Many people are noticing this in schools. Telling the brightest kids to stop excelling and allow the slower kids to have a chance at answering questions.

They used to do that to us in the 70's and 80's but back then they just ignored us if we were smart in shitty public schools or misplaced us so our classes wouldnt be right levels. Now due to the internet and access to communication the only way to keep the peasants down is to put kids on psych meds and dumb down the smart ones.

A woman in a shelter came up to me once and slightly discussed the situation many TI's are in. She was a perp but a weak one. She said "Oh they hate the smart ones."

So you dont run into alot of eccentric behavior unless the person is having a meltdown or they are targeted most likely. Truly talented people, people who shine and stand out as the best in thier class nowadays have to be socially acceptable on a Yuppie level like Tiger Woods or perhaps in some mob or group or gang or clique like hip hop culture. I notice that there are no lone stand outs nowadays mostly just corporate sameness. A bunch or group of semi talented people. Perhaps this is to reinforce the insect or herd mentality that is being pushed so hard. TV shows where common people are the stars as well as commercials, like for a truck I saw yesterday, that kept saying STRENGTH IN NUMBERS and showing shots of firemen. The mob mentality and group mentality is now totally engrained in American society. Everything from what we watch as entertainment to the commercials to the way kids are schooled or the way they are raised in daycare centers.

You cant win right now. The conservatives and Repubs seem to want to control everything strictly and make it a real no fun zone for everyone unless yer wealthy and the liberals are much worse nowadays with this bizarre communism group mentality they are pushing. Its not real American liberalism, its a strange system similar to communism in China. The United Way has post boards in bus stops here, people wearing white t-shirts that say LIVE UNITED and of course both people have the same shirt with that logo. Its not all about creating a gang or group mentality. Individualism is being destroyed.

Mike Tyson stands out as a lone force unto himself. Historically all people like that end up screwed over by people around them usually out of jealousy like the movie Amadeus http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amadeus_(film) , usually out jealousy and some sort of ingrained sense that person will be a threat to the status quo, which people who are not a force of ONE depend on for survival, thus thier being threatened by immense power from a lone source.

Tyson is good at fighting. If he was good at business he probably wouldnt be able to knock people out like that, thats the way its always been historically. You saying Tyson is 'a retard' is like saying Van Gough was a retard which I am sure some jerks in private arrogantly speak of.

Holding people to standards out of thier league or element is the worst kind of judgement also its very cowardly. Most career criminals have a better code of ethics concerning being fair about what is out of a person's league and what isnt. Thats why so many of them leaked info to me over the years. Its kind of like criminals not wanting to see children harmed or often women either. They know they are ill prepared or unable to defend themselves. There is a difference between preying on a mark and just being ridiculous.
Don King is a promoter. My ex Jake used to have to threaten promoters constantly to get his band paid and they were just doing clubs. That is the nature of those people. Mike Tyson's nature and his job is to excel as an athelete at his craft. Not manage his money. That is his accountant's job and his manager's job.

If anything, Don King is the retard if what this commenter says is true becuz hes not a promoter hes a thief. Not very good at his job. I would say that Mike Tyson was excellent at his job.

Life is about ethics and doing well at whatever you do, wether that be pumping gas or being a professional in some field. Most people can only hope to simply make the least level of accomplishment. Tyson went into almost mythical levels of achievment. His is the stuff of sagas and legends about men from history books that survive the ages. THAT kind of power that just doenst even seem like it could be real.

The less and less control that the public have over thier world, thier govt etc and their environment and health- the more they will find things they can control.