“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” --Maya Angelou

Sunday, August 8, 2010

No more comments/Mom's mysterious appearance as commenter

There was a comment trying to tell me that the bs in Harv Sq was "just normal street life" (duh) and trying to pep talk/guilt me into writing my book instead of "hanging out in toxic homeless scenes" and asking "when are you going to become the person you really are?"...what?? Who's buried in Grant's tomb?? Who's on first? What the hell??!?
Just run that statement through your logic processor for a moment. Over and over..(whispers: "When r u go ing to become the person u really r. When r u going to become the person u really r. When r u....") keep running it. Doesn't really make much sense does it?
I am already. I just am. And I am doing my job. Document, deliver. The person I really was has been ripped to shreds by a pack of hyenas and they are now hunted. That's it really..there is nothing else beyond that. Its all black after that, like a movie theater after credits.

I am disabling comments on this blog. It says, I believe, its MY private bitching area so that OnGangstalking doesnt get mushed up with anything that isnt really pertinent. I disregard everyone of these paternal pieces of bullsh*t. I dont need pep talks from strangers. This is the kind of crap my mother would pull all the while being one of the main people to be controlling and abusive.

Also, someone commented on the other blog that they were my mother and worried about me. My mother is as worried as a stone when it comes to my safety and if she claims any different, she's so compartmentalized and screwed up that she often doesn recall what she's said or done. She fabricates denial. I've seen her do it before and its bizarre.
She can also recall a traumatic memory from childhood and forget it from recall 20 minutes later. I dont think any therapist has actually dug in there and helped her heal from RA and programming. She goes to therapists and they just tell her what she wants to hear and I know that con. The handlers in this system have always had alot more power over her than I becuz often they coddle her more than they ever did with me.
I never understood the reason for that but now I see that its partially due to her cooperating with this system more easily than myself as well as they messed her up so much more badly than they ever did to me in her childhood that I dont think she would survive unless she was coddled.

My mother does not exist. End of story. After what she pulled, if she even chooses to remember it correctly, she means nothing to me now and that is the way its going to stay. Its safer for her and myself that way. And I do what I do to get vengeance for my family as far as my heart is concerned.

They used my family. Many TI's have heard or understand that these people threaten family's which is how they gain cooperation. They attempted to threaten me with 'if you want to be with your family again, claim the 5th and take on a label and some meds'. My family has always been abusive and controlling- you can keep them.
Certainly after what they did they are not on my side. Telling me the harassment was due to that federal investigation, then telling me not to go into Brookline or Cambridge or it will be a war back and forth, then sometime after that my mother getting me alone in the car and saying "When I was dealing with the syndicate, I always took the harassment to mean- 'know your place, bitch.'", then the final insult was her getting me alone in the car (again, as she always had done all my life to pull such tactics) and this time flipping the script by asking "Do you think you might have a mild case of what Danny has?". That was the worst attempt at a con I had ever seen. She is honestly that messed up and perceived me as that weak from years of abuse that I would not recall her former statements about what was going on.

It probably was just some jerk who did it to get a rise out of me, its not even her. She's either totally oblivious or she's going to stay silent for life due to knowing how f*cked what she did was. Some kid in ABQ tried to tell me that she thought did what she did for God in some way, she believed God told her or wanted it that way. SOMEBODY is targeted eh? My mother was always a bit crazy from her lifetime of trauma, but she was never that crazy. But if not then nothing has changed. There is nothing they can do to make up for what they did. They were always so messed up with thier idea of being a family no matter what. Just like you'd expect culties to be like. Bonded through trauma. Its not acceptable trying to erase years of bad blood, attempting to act as if nothing has happened.
That's exactly what she would do too if I ever did run across her. She is such an amnesiac. But her abuse was probably more severe than mine and I acknowledge that. And that is all I will give her as far as mercy or sympathy goes. Its only fair. But she chose life long to pick on me and embrace her abusers. Love and all its mix ups and nonsensical ways have no place in war, unless as part of deception..or the inaction of an aggressor. The people I had love who betrayed me wont be killed or really torn apart through my artwork but they are all banished.
That is love.

What is going on in the world at large is what is important now, not some people I used to know that were too weak to stand thier ground.
My own mother stood there in the living room and bubbled over how afraid oncoming factions were of me. "They're afraid of you". It was all so crazy. Perps I was running into would say "You're very creative" and she was parroting that idea. It was so sick. That was a big thing with perps for while, constantly commenting on my creativity, instead of helping me or understanding how sick the mold exposure had made me and now in these declining years we see the results of oncoming memory loss daily. That's the result of prolonged mold exposure with years of gang stalking stress.
I will not talk to anyone who did not take my situation as seriously as it was and is. In fact many people knew how serious it was, which is why they sold me out to get opportunities. Julie still works, Jake gets gigs now since gaining access he probably wouldnt have had. I still live like a hunted animal.

I am pissed at this system for destroying my family but I am pissed at the people around me for being spineless, cowardly opportunists. And time doesnt heal or whatever that bs expression is. I certainly am not going to let go of what I should have had and who I should have been for some fake version of reality and some false timeline that the criminals want sealed. This timeline is FALSE. It was brought about my covert interference and manipulation of events. I dont like my place in it. I was told by a female perp one day: "THEY are mad at you becuz you aren't accepting your situation" and why should I? It is not of my making nor does it respect my free Will. That is not reality. These people have broken laws, treaties and now connected to war crimes. Why should any of us validate that?

Who in the f*ck do you think you are treating people like characters in some play where you get to run people's lives through manipulation? You cant just steal someone's future and suck them dry of thier life energy then trot on happily towards the exit it dont work like that..there ARE opposing factions.
And tell me I am right- becuz if that were not so, why are so many people be trying to waste my time so I dont write a book telling my story? Its like they want to wear one down so one gives up.
And more suspect are the people who want it written in a hurry, like that poster above. What information are you looking for that is so important in what I am going to write?

Like today, it was more targeting in Central Sq, always one of the worst areas in the USA for me anyway, Central Sq Cambridge. And I documented it, it was sort of overt, and that means I have multiple years of documentation that show the same tactics happening in the same locations every time. Proving my rule of thumb with this system that differing locations retain thier individual styles.
Mental illness according to location? But I am sure that the psychiatric cons will come up with something to cover thier asses.
They never want to admit that Dr Cameron was a criminal and guilty of high crimes. They awarded him, what does that tell you?

Today after that occurred, it came to mind the ideation that this is all due to what Jake did and all I need to do is rat on him.
What do they want to know that they dont already know? Its ridiculous. This system has been trying to control me and the outcome of all these actions by trying to convince me I have been "protecting someone" all along. Its so ridiculous. (Netta that Israeli girl from NA who made claims of doing intelligence in Israel while in the military over there, used to say things to that effect. Something about "just because you're protecting someone" and a comment made once comparing me to someone willing to hang on a cross.
Listen to this you ignorant middle eastern b*tch- go back to Israel and your insulated culture that teaches creationism just like Christians and take your warring with them with you. Those are the last people I will take criticism from. They live out in left field, by combining worldly affairs with thier supposed 'true' god. And they also like Satanism as it opposes Christianity.
Do I have time for all this bs and these really stupid rich kids who have father's who are professors or working for some company as an egghead but thier kids are really REALLY stupid and they think they can lord it over becuz they are rich? Get f*cked, really. I mean...wtf? Being Italian should have clued that dumb bitch in right away. She doesnt know what that means. YOUR culture kissed OUR asses by crucifying HIS ass and that is even if those events even actually took place. Then we turned around and reinvented Rome under the guise of the Catholic church which ruled for more time into history until Britain decided to finally act like Celts and form thier own religion knock off and tell the Romans to take thier authority over England with them. (I am sure an expensive education would have enabled me to write 30 books out of those few sentences, all describing it much more eloquently and with more attention to detail but who has time when reduced to survivalist?) Romans pay attention to Rome and to being Italian first and foremost. The cult of the wolf is the basis of Rome, not false religions that in the heart of every down to earth Italian knows that its more politics from the state not reality.

Also, read a book once in a while outside of whatever the reading list is in your Israeli college which I am sure is calculated to have you think only a very certain way and is censored. Look up Rosicrucians, Gnostics, occult, Hermetics. Religions connected to ancient Egypt you have been trying to get rid of for years as well as opposing anything out of ancient Iran like Zoroastrianism.
Isreal was documented in the news a few years ago for censoring a metal bands lyrical content not for Satanism but for writing about an opposing ancient religious belief system.
The best years of my life may have been when everyone thought I was stupid and easily made thier b*tch. I will also never forget the man in Brookline who was very interested in me whom I saw passing occasionally, in a long black robe looking like someone connected to the more orthodox, deeper Jewish belief system. I have not forgotten you image, nor your long flowing robe. And nothing is forgiven. EVER.

Read the other day that the Rothchild's seem to really hate Templars, have for centuries. Wonder what that means for those of us with Templar images in part of our dual boot programming [the other smaller part being Satanic military]. It means its on is what it means.) ( dont take my personal experiences to heart. Jews have been just as helpful to me as hurtful. You must remember that gang stalking is about taking people from different walks of life and forming a mob from those factions. There is no particular group to blame, in my case its just been very linked to belief systems and occult. and really its tiring.) [So, grown adults and nations can believe in deities that no one can see and still not cure the worlds problems, in fact making more, but this is not subject to psychiatry's scrutiny. When the world decides to make sense, wake me up wont you?]

And really if I told anyone anything along the lines of confession under interrogation, then its only to prove that their utilizing MK Ultra methods on programmed persons really works. Which of course I wont give them, ever, becuz I dont want to validate the use of such methods on any one ever. I want these inhumane methods abandoned and all it takes is one or a few people to break through it or at least that is what is hoped.

What is most sad about my life is not what has occurred in the past, even before the tearing and ripping of my psyche by what started in 2002 or so- I could've healed from that and started anew and I could still heal from this. But that would take acknowledgment of what occurred and validation of my situation and that is NOT forthcoming...what is most sad is having to keep the past under lock and key in my mind while seeing everyone else, the whole world really, go on around me, and without me. But its what I must do. To let go of what is real would be so unimaginably damaging to myself and to a much larger thing at stake here. I have at least the obligation to document and deliver. Then what anyone does with it is thier affair, I no longer have to care.

The trick the perps and thier system pulls is to make you believe that if you accept your situation, your place by force within this falsely created reality, that will be what will heal you or make you feel better. It may make you feel better but its not whats right nor is it the proper thing to do. The truth has to be written down somewhere even if its not lived by the rest of humanity. It has to exist in some form on this plane. It cannot be allowed to just evaporate, and that is what will happen to your true Self and your real fate if you just go along with the horrors around you and not do a thing about it.

Its not my affair who runs the world or what goes on after I am gone, its my job to deliver information. Its what I did when I was programmed and its what I am going to do now.

I miss being able to take in pages of written information in a mental snapshot and retaining that for delivery. When I woke up I realized I had memories of that, great photo memory and that is what I recall doing with it. It made me feel so obsolete that that was no longer my function. And even moreso was it an insult that I was simply just trashed like that and not allowed to reprogram according to my own Will. All I wanted to do was help people.

There are people who seem to hate deprogrammed survivors and they seem to mistrust what we are about or what we are. I can never be sure what faction it is. Its like they really seem to feel that the trauma that we go through to become programmed as well as what we have experienced while programmed and the families we come from make us such awful creatures that we can never be trusted to run our own affairs. Its like the spiritual police or something and they are just as paranoid and judgmental as the real ones. Believing that the apple never falls far from the tree is a constant and that people dont change etc.
Its probably just more deception to blame Christians again...though they are a pain in the ass at times. I refuse to deal with religion anymore, its too easy for perps to manipulate and hide under. So no more comments on this blog though I have recieved helpful info for readers at times the comments have been too useless and negative here. Its not really for comment anyway this blog.
Its for Me.