“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” --Maya Angelou

Saturday, August 7, 2010

New drama in Harvard Square...and there's audio!

More pieces of sh*t who are highly suspect of assisting the local cops who I was told so long ago would never cease and dissist due to this being a constant "war back and forth". Either that or its just plain old criminals doing what they are supposed to stay in business.

But I heard it might just be old fashoined stupidity. I got alot of it on audio anyway. Always a good deal.

Lets start with a cast of characters.
Cali- a black dude from Los Angelos supposedly who is running from the law and has warrants, and is housed not a traveler but just comes down to Harvard Sq to "do deals". He must be pretty confident becuz he made lots of noise for hours over a comment that was well deserved. It was funny to see him have to duck down once the cops came by due to his friend getting loud, as part of the drama of course.

I find it interesting that I get f*cked with as soon as my most of hte kids I knew left. And my train hopper friend was not there that night- they all knew that anyway.
Kids are not very hip to what goes on in the world of covert warfare and set ups, but its most likely the mob mentality.

Another person who decided to get in on the mob was a scrawny brunette named Camilla, who supposedly steals from street people who have AIDS..nice huh? She was really nasty and dismissive from the day I arrived and this was her opportunity to finally act out. Another housie who just hangs down here making trouble. Looks pretty rough for her 20's. The little coward waited until I was leaving the scene of too much drama when she piped up "You better leave, hop a train out of here" and then proceeded to insult me. She knew she could get away with it too. As I was about to leave anyway. Shes easy to deal with physically but after being mobbed and with my history I was worn out. I stood my ground and just left. I got a rest for a day inside then found new places to sleep.

I returned today and my train hopper friend told me that the black drug dealer with the tacky imitation gold grill has been hitting on every white woman here and just as with me they reject his overt advances. The difference is that with me, when I ignored him and didnt give him attention he went off on me and started calling me a bitch and really getting aggressive due to me not giving him attention. The whole thing got so bad that it really seems planned out by a drug dealer who is a perp to stay in business (not Cali but someone higher up and much brighter) or the cops get em to do it directly for similar reasons. You have to wonder how many of these kids are up to something extracurricular, on either side of justice or for various factions posing as just street kids. Its interesting to think about.

I let my friend listen to the tape and he said he's been going around town asking every white woman who rejects him if they are racist.

The thing that was so disgusting was the kids reactions. At first they were responding to his ranting with "She handed it back to you, its over now". But he could not let it go and that is what was so suspect. He went on and on for like an hour or so, drunk right in Harvard Sq @ 11 or 12 midnight threatening me physically and repeatedly telling me that "You better know how to fight cuz I am going to get some girls after you, black girls" etc. I even told the kids I have black female friends I just do NOT put up with aggressive bs from the men end of story. And of course he proved my point about his being sexist by continuing to be insulting with sexist based aggression. Every time he would focus on me being a racist I would return by telling him that he started it and he's a sexist, which would calm him down for a second, then his drunk ass would continue to go into a rant. He focused on me continuously, ranting and whining to each kid who was next to me or still talking to me that I was a racist, and do they hang with racists blah blah blah. He intimidated each little white oogle that was there into agreeing with him, or they depend on him for certain things I dont know. But the spinelessness of those kids really struck a chord with me. This generation is taught to cave in to pressure from aggressive groups and the PC cult.

I however stood my ground for an hour and would not be chased out by this kid. The one thing that annoys me is that twit brunette girl that showed up at the last minute and played bouncer, Camilla I think her name is, kept saying "Your not from here, you havent spent as long here as we have". It was great when I told her I was born here, in this city.

Its her I want to kill the most. Becuz being a brunette white woman- WTF is that? Then someone told me she was Italian, and that is the height of disgust for me. She is a total traitor and should be dealt with as such, severely. But I do not have time for jail as I am still working NO MATTER WHAT every day at libraries trying to get work done before they close before semster starts. Its so tight this schedule. And nothing can get in my way, which is why I had to walk away which really f*cked with me.

Cali kept saying "WHO are you?" "Dont you know who I AM?" And I just kept thinking about my old connections, my family's connections and my discovery of being programmed- and being pretty much protected even though I am tortured daily- whoever is behind the gang stalking wants me alive at any cost. Its very intense ritualistically. I dont usually start trouble and depend on being protected- it didnt save me from A camp @ Rainbow becoming a violent mob on me did it?

Its either that I have that effect on people or most of what happens to me is planned. This is also a result of a lifetime of not being able to retain a settled life. I just lost all my family and friends during Bush so its been traumatic really. It hits me very hard to be without backup.

My friend let another kid listen to the tape and many of the truly hardcore kids who are travelers are none too pleased at this kid's aggression towards one of thier women of thier own kind.
Which is the Boston I remember, which is becuz this is Cambridge not Boston, and its sad becuz they are traveling kids not from here.

Its so predictable that after real travelers leave gang stalking starts intensifying and then this sh*t goes down.

There is also this dumb tall blonde kid, who turned on me due to claiming his family is black. Well you would never know that and I am not dealing with his family I am dealing with an obnoxious aggressor and no one was helping me. They're not travelers thats why.

I am glad that I have made allies within the traveling community at least.
I gotta get the audio converted then I'll post it, its pretty amusing. The kid needs to go back to Cali is the general consensus.