“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” --Maya Angelou

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Boston will always be a culture of corruption..and spoiled brats

Gang stalking must be the ultimate expression of bratiness. A way of punishing someone that got in the way of you getting your own way even if it was illegal or wrong, immoral or unethical. Or ensuring that you GET your own way ultimately.

I am lying here at 230am just getting to sleep after finally figuring out how to arrange my tarp around a building. I have lots of people around me so I am not afraid of rape or robbery- besides I grew up with the concept of these things being common in northeast cities.
This is also a point I should touch on. To people not from NY or Boston the idea of being savvy about street crime is horrifying, to us its the way we have been raised for generations and it has never interferred with our enjoyment of life. What people should be worried about is how much corruption is at govt of all levels that no one is allowed to question due to it having been cleaned up in recent years so giving the impression that just becuz the old ways of doing things are not so prevelant, that there is no corruption these days. Perhaps certain states have changed the way they do things but for instance what about the US military or the Pentagon. Govt bodies like Senate or Congress ask them directly how they cannot account for millions of dollars and they give no answer.
What I have discovered is that people can only go so far whistleblowing and confronting until they get intimidated by the threat of being targeted. I now understand that anyone who understands how things really work knows that organized stalking and harassment exists as a system used to ensure silence about corruption. The public generally dont need to know as they are not privvy to sensitive information.

The sounds of jack hammers and a generator over at the MBTA 2nd station in Harvard Sq they are rebuilding is keeping me awake and I dont recall this sort of noise on other nights but I am not in this location every night either.The police and Fire were here earlier just for one slightly drunken older man who hit his head and only wanted a cab to take him home. After much fuss they finally got him into an ambulance.
I called the police with a city ordinance that says no noise 50 feet from the site after 7pm I believe, weekdays- with any emergency work exempt. http://www.cambridgema.gov/deptann.cfm?story_id=63
They immediately told me to call MBTA police to see if they were doing any emergency work, which is a clever way to pass the buck if indeed he knows the answer already.
I call transit police. They tell me to call Cambridge police as zoning is not thier problem. The beep that lets you know you are being recorded, after being warned already by the officer answering the phone, is indeed meant for intimidation as its too loud and I noted having to compete with it in order to be heard, the officer asking me to repeat myself.
A few times around being questioned "WHERE are they working?" having to compete with the loud beep is enough psych warfare to let me know this will take some digging into if I want to be serious about getting results. Its not on purpose, I just think the police here are really robots who are programmed to soley protect certain parties interests to the death.
She puts me on hold to ask if its emergency work. She returns and says no its not but someone told her they have been working at night for a while, which I assume is a way of trying to get around the fact that she just admitted outright that a city ordinance was being ignored, but certainly the claims of previous noisy nights MUST set a precedent. That was my answer.
I did not dare call Cambridge back becuz I am not in the mood for more psych warfare. I did find calling them on this an amusing thing to do being that I am only an urban camper. After what the local cities and towns did to me I would get nothing but vengeful pleasure out of shutting down the MBTA for a noise ordinance- being just a 'homeless woman' sleeping in Harvard Sq. This is the same system of bullshit that put me out here, traveling across the USA anyway so why not?
The beauty in this is that now I know how it all works and I am already targeted there is little that can be done to stop me once I decide to go after someone now. More than ever I have nothing to lose.

The Big Dig is such an example of said corruption in this area. And those of us that are from here are appalled that outsiders didnt see it coming. We all knew someone who was put on the payroll for some job in the project. That is just what they do here. Also no one should act surprised becuz outsiders dont consider that we have an intellectual focus here in Boston- that usuallly provides analyisis of problems arising from local projects such as the Big Dig..and indeed that was provided.
I recall seeing a piece on tv about it where they had maps and graphs, comparing it to the similar tunnel in Britian and saying for one it wasnt built deep enough I believe...some big difference in construction where the Boston tunnel just wasnt going to work. And in the end that prediction, based on logic and science came true.
This area, in the past moreso than the dumbed down era we live in, due to its acedemic and intellectual base has provided much prediction and information that one would never recieve outside of a place like Boston- I now realize that generally the powers that be dont want the public being shown such things. Being from Boston area I just took it for granted that one always has the acedemic or expert side to things not the one born soley of business interests.
This would also explain why in this particular climate right now in the USA, why Boston has been so cleaned up and made impossible to live in for so many people- ultimately its the old saying about dictatorships: in order to take over you must get rid of the artists and intellectuals.
In this case in the very long term big picture, you must control the intellectual centers of a country- gut them really especially in places where the public are encouraged to be politically involved in as well as question thier governing bodies.

This explains why this area is so...managed lets say. It explains alot.A piece about corruption in Boston contruction:

"According to Dwyer, Ward viewed his work on the commission ``as his greatest accomplishment." Yet, in a sad personal twist to the story, when Ward's work was done there seemed to be no place for him in Boston. He moved to New York and struggled privately with depression. In 1985 he was found dead with a suicide note by his side."
The guy got targeted- that is exactly what is sounds like, blacklisting is almost spelled out for you: "no place for him in Boston".

I know the feeling. But unlike this guy I did not undstand what I was up against or that I was being interrogated for information. And the way I was destroyed as if I knew the risks involved..its just disguusting.
And why does it not surprise me that Romney wanted the comission destroyed? That sounds about right.

I felt a bit better after all this. Becuz now I can see that what I left behind, what I missed was a city that is greedy and run in such a way as to discourage honesty. If whistleblowers are routinely dealt with in this way as well as percieved as a threat to to a tight knit culture then I experienced what is NORMAL or this place- not something unusual..which also heldp me not take it all so personally.
Yes I want revenge for my personal situation but this IS the city to shunned from easily I suppose. I have to realize that all I cared for here never really was: it was always about this system and its supporters. The Boston I loved was a place that I loved becuz I was protected from these realities.