“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” --Maya Angelou

Friday, August 6, 2010

America from a poor white female Target's point of view.


"The old South was a three-tiered society, with blacks and hard-put whites both dominated by white elites who manipulated racial tensions in order to retain power. At the height of slavery, in 1860, less than 5% of whites in the South owned slaves. The eminent black historian John Hope Franklin wrote that "fully three-fourths of the white people in the South had neither slaves nor an immediate economic interest in the maintenance of slavery"

That is exactly what America is like now. Unless you go to very specific places like the northwest. If you are in areas outside major cities then its an outright class war. Most major US cities are like this now. Boston has been run like that for years and they placate the populations with housing, programs and other welfare state hand outs. Perhaps its more humane than say, So Cal which has the worst white elitist problem I have ever seen. Cultureless and average other than thier wealth, So Cal 'Yuppies' or whites seem to totally disregard the poor and color is not an issue in thier classist segregation. So Cal whites contain thier wealth while cities and the state itself go broke, San Diego being an example. Blacks in turn have formed thier own cultures and neighborhoods. Poor whites are expected to survive through this by selling out to black culture and this is the attitude in many urban areas around the USA except where there is a strong ethnic identity for poor whites to hold onto like MA.
The racial cold war is worse than I have ever seen it, as racial tensions are high but we now live in a society where saying you feel dominated or put upon is either a hate crime or you must be mentally ill. PC has ensured that people are terrorized into silence.
If the concepts or diversity and political correctness truly worked to form a perfect society then people would not feel left out or like they are being wiped out as a culture.

This shows that the elite white factions still manipulate racial tensions to maintain control. And Africa Americans are notorious at least in Boston for manipulating white guilt to maintain thier own survival against other poor racial populations. Rich whites are very often looked over in the USA. There is this idea that we can fend for ourselves and since we were not overtly enslaved, there is nothing to be owed, therefore nothing to be guilty about.

The system is not working. Many people have left the USA in disgust at the amount of control and interference in its citizen's lives while remaining Capitalist and waving the flag claiming anyone can gain a chance at success and riches here. No one knows this system better than poor whites who have encountered corruption and have no racial identity or 'people' to fall back on. Only whites such as exist in Boston or NY have ethnic neighborhoods or people they can fall back on. This is the blacks greatest advantage over poor whites. They have unity. And in recent years poor whites have been marketed to and given messages in media that joining the African American ghetto culture is the only way to survive. They have been brainwashed into it really. And so blacks have become very brazen in approaching white women and now its very common for black males to see a poor white woman as fair game or something to be intimidated or terrorized into becoming thiers. Whites have abandoned thier identities over the past 2 decades and now have been reduced in the USA to ethnic stereotypes or gone 'Yuppie' to survive. Many whites now strive to conform and live beyond thier means to appear socially acceptable as Yuppies or they have sunken into black culture, acting black even if they did not grow up under the cultural influence of an exclusively black neighborhood.
Whites as a force against the elite as in being part of a culture has been destroyed and over the years one could see it was a calculated destruction in order to gain social control over the population. Whites are really no longer able to identify themselves as just white if they are poor. And they are expected to be stupid as well as poor or in trouble with records of involvement in law enforcement or jail. Whites are expected ..even pushed into being white trash even if they are of superior physical or mental qualities but simply without economic means. And white trash now belongs to black culture. At least in large cities. Outside the urban areas I dont know what its like but I bet that white trash cultures are encouraged to not become creative or intellectual.
The country could never have been sold off or in the state its in now unless poor white culture, including media identity which is now non existent, were not compromised or destroyed. Ethnic identity is approached like something quaint from the past. All those movies about Southie or other strongly white ethnic areas, usually starring Mark Wahlberg forcing his native accent you can tell he usually doesnt use anymore, are a sign of the times: its just a matter of time before ALL whites shed thier ethnic identities. The designers are just sitting back at this point and biding thier time. Losing one's ancient wisdom is the VERY meaning of the capstone off of the top of the pyramid. And it wont be long before all whites in the USA sell out either to a stronger more united culture or graduate into a higher social class at any cost to escape such assimilation.

White supremacy seems overbearing and hateful, and separatists seem to be Christian much of the time. Most separatist groups are slandered as being supremacists anyway.

People are starting to feel very strangled out by the Yuppies and ghetto culture closing in on them like a wall on each side closing in to crush- you have to chose a side to escape out of soon the space you occupy will be crushed out of existence.

And the idea that blacks cannot be racist as they have no power is ridiculous. From what I have seen they have alot of power and they are as adept at deception as the Bush family ever will be. That is all bullshit. I have personally seen people in ghettos..living like kings as long as they hide out in the hood. Its not that as mentioned black society in the USA is not still suffering from the original insult, but the problem lies in the elite white factions, which one can tell expects to sacrifice poor whites to help heal that insult. Rich whites always want poor whites to take the hits for thier crimes against other groups- its what they do. Poor whites have a right thier existence and thier culture without mind games from the Man and a knowing look from the recipient of benefits- blacks. I think both factions have that in common-its a secret that hte master of the house and his house slaves share: that poor whites are the stupid ones and those two factions know what the deal is.

There are many blacks who do not want or cannot play these games and they too will be punished or left out for not going along with the plans of the white elite.

Race issues are being utilized very heavily right now and Obama being in is being manipulated to further racial cold war. The place is a mess and as long as appeals to white guilt and certain black factions doing anything, to anyone to get thiers cover for the actions and designs of the elite there will be silent hatred ever growing in the USA that if voiced, is received with disapproval of the PC Yuppie cultists who want us to join in thier fantasy world of a perfect balanced existence for all peoples. Which of course poor whites are expected to take laying down even though its not reality. Once again the elite want to play chess with underprivileged people as pieces on the board and we are supposed to stay very still and let them move us around by their Will.

Do you realize it is much less socially acceptable for a poor white female to be shapely and outgoing if she is not Latino or African American in the USA? She is penalized for it constantly. And its not socially acceptable for a white female to aggressive or highly intelligent, and god help her if she is also built. So often poor white women have no support at all within thier own class and ethnic identity, thus often the defection to African American culture. A woman who does not want to identify with any other ethnic cultures other than her own European ancestry is often shunned by the whole of society for not 'knowing her place'. White males from many white ethnic groups in the USA are very unaccepting of a smart, fighting, independent white woman who is unapologetic for her life experiences.

In the case of many talented poor white females, in the USA, there is no place to run, hide or gain support. Its like they are a creature that only exists in Europe and America wants to keep the public believing that. And perceptions are managed very heavy handedly I can tell you that. The lack of such realistic media images of such women is testament to this being a reality.

America is no longer a place where strong white females not of means can feel safe much less appreciated. The moment they reach for thier star some other faction is put in front of them and they are knocked down, and told that due to the good of the country- these people need to come first. Every time we turn around we are supposed to sacrifice for someone else, and if we are childless more so this is the attitude.

For a short moment the farce of 'girrrl power' satiated my generation and that was its calculated purpose- to reduce women born to first generation feminists to 'girrrls' not women, not warriors, not goddesses, not queens. Just girrrrls. It was bullshit and we saw right through it but didnt see Bush coming up the steps to bring back sexism that is so severe that the way we remember the USA in the 90's or the 80's may never be again. That kind of freedom. Also, now race has been brought out to the forefront and somehow we are supposed to now bow to this bullsh*t as well. Somehow, anti terror and the security of our nation depends on me being handed over to a black man and becoming a pawn of ghetto culture or losing all sense of true Self and conforming into being a YUPie, which is what whites are supposed to do to either clean up thier acts or 'grow up' in society in the USA. Either way a woman like me loses and that is just expected nowadays due ot so many other concerns blocking me out of existence.

Forget my personal situation which is very severe as a targeted individual. Everything I just mentioned is used full throttle to oppress me as a poor white female in the USA at this time. And as a Targeted poor white female its expected, somehow for the good of the country and our future, that I go to work, start making money, get a husband and shut the f*ck up about being tortured and stalked and harassed.

To leave the USA to return to our ancestors lands in Europe or even a developing economy which many smart entrepreneurs have already done, is to lose years of fighting, pain and suffering and to admit that it- staying in the USA, was all in vain.