All they can do now is keep sending blacks to piss me off.
What do u expect frm the home of Farrakahn that puppet and circus actor? With a 'black' president its.bound to be an issue. As well as Prince Hall.
They know i'll call them N word in self defense. But thats not my problem. U wanna be a house slave then go ahead. This city favors blacks over poor whites and always has. Its a major power center for black power. So who cares what they think or say or do. THEY AREN'T FREEDOM FIGHTERS. THEY R HOUSE SLAVES WHO SUPPORT AND WORK FOR CORRUPT AUTHORITY.
This is why I have no problem using the N word. Its for gang stalking pieces of shit everywhere.
If u r in a gang u r dealing drugs basically for the government who brings or allows it into the country. Then when u r busted u can fill up their corporate jail system. Blacks with any sense know these are set ups to keep black people in a slave mentality.
They think they can intimidate me or frame me up as a racist by sending their house niggas after me all the time up here.
Fuck u Boston. U r never as clever as u think u r.
Fuck all u house slaves. I have no respect or fear of u. I simply hate u more than whites becuz number one u should know better than to fall into such nonsense and secondly when u perp people u think u invented clever.
u r still stupid slaves and i have absolutely no respct for u at all.
This is all part of the black male trying to solidify his power in the NWO society.
Im still a EuroAmerican who sees u as an inferior piece of shit. Becuz u support my enemies.
As long as u support elite mostly male centric oppression-youll always be n*ggers. Remember that.