“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” --Maya Angelou

Monday, August 8, 2011

Defend Yourself! Another gs Deceptive Ploy

There is a chance that these methods are for the purpose of forcing me to defend myself. Again cover stories are used. To make the TI seem like a person who avoids conflict or peeps will intimate the person is a coward.

The truth is that the gs system has created problems for the Target to have to defend themselves. With persons who are Survivors of programming this is simply more manipulation to attempt to control a forced deprogramming and reformatting process. The real battles were living at 335 Washington in Brighton and trying to understand the truth about my life, my family as well as deprogramming in which suicide programming is one of the hardest things one can go through.

The purpose over time is to interrupt and divert the Survivor from deprogramming, recalling memories or getting outside help like therapy or other Survivors. Then to destroy remaining programming (evidence) and finally to force a repatterning or as one perp put it "Rachael you know what its like to only be allowed to grow very conditionally". A perl putting it to you straight like that (during Bush of course) pretty much sums up the purpose of gs in the life of a Survivor of mind control programming. And I see now that they, being able to be so overt during Bush, is supposed to be a testament to his power and that of his family. Like only during a Bush presidency could such chaos reign.

If I defended myself the way that is required I would be forced to face things about my life and go through things that happened to me without properly processing them. For instance I would sue certain parties or corporate entities yet I couldn't tell the whole story, I'd have to cut out anything fantastical unbelievable or would get me discredited. Therefore I would be denying my own reality. Again constructing something normal, average, conformist based on rewards for acceptable behavior and punishments for telling the truth.

This is totally unacceptable as well as more psychological damage. I never should have had to process any of what was inside me on the road being chased around the country nor should I have had to do it alone. And causing brain damage or inducing a new level of amnesia is not a healthy way to push a Survivor through this process. What they did to me is akin to electric shock treatment. You end up destroying artistic ability, intelligence and the personality along with destroying traumatic memories and emotions connected to them, not to mention all the health issues that have either been caused by being targeted or have been made worse and left unattended to medically by being occupied with being targeted for years on end.

Whoever is behind this pretends that its about curing PTSD or erasing horrible memories but note that what is most important is draining the emotional charges connected to them. Even draining the TI themselves of years worth of life energy is a result of a long term gang stalking campaign.

The person may look healthier and more robust but that's simply the result of running on adrenaline and fear born of the worst terrorim for years. The person especially a Survivor of mind control has simply learned how to ignore pain more than ever before. Again its all deceptions.

This is why its do important to guilt and frighten and intimidate the person into, as one perp couple recently stated "get a boring job and go to it everyday". It forces the person to simply return to living without any acknowledgment of what really happened and how utterly horrible and abusive it was and is.

More cover ups more victim witness intimidation.
Again and again the gs system ends up being the same thing for the same purposed no matter what they do or change up in the campaign.