“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” --Maya Angelou

Friday, June 10, 2011

I find it hard to believe that this system has been chasing me
around the country just to force an aneurysm to burst.

But that is who I am dealing with.

Also it may be to test new tech or implants..and to push me to physical limits with such a condition to test coping methods..

I really wanna get my story sorted out before that or anything else happens.

What needs to be understood here is that we are dealing with a level of people who never got over the idea that others exist to serve them.

These kinds of people not only come.from money that was made from exploiting others they continue to do so with no problems whatsoever.

I get ideations that this entire situation is more connected to Julia than to MK Ultra or programming.
That her people were the ones trying to kill me..which makes little sense.

As far as my situation goes this must be bullshit then: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Posse_Comitatus_Act

And the concepts in that MindWar paper don't sound like the military can't keep law and order within the USA. In fact this entire experience shows that MindWar has become a reality.

I wish the things I experienced were not that extreme but they were.

America is too big and far too powerful to NOT be corrupt or exploitative.

If what happened to me, the Natives, the African Americans and various other victims of abuse and exploitation can occur on US soil then the laws on the books are useless nor are they heeded (I am now getting a vision of George the Younger, Bush as I wrote that.) Never has any medical or acedemic ever been prosecuted according to law concerning human experimentation.

Sometimes get this idea I should go to law school. No way...

When I was being targeted very heavily with constant hard core gang stalking and tech in Buffalo NY in 2007 or so, I was in this hotel room outside the city paid for by human services. Total perps.

I was being seriously damaged at this time as well as I was still reeling from mycotoxicosis (a condition due to mold exposure). I was functioning on what programming was intact and I personally was being driven out of my mind. I was acting it too.

This place must've been totally wired becuz in this hotel room I got hit with constant non stop runs of 'celebrities that are watching or monitoring you' visions etc. One of them was Rudi Guliani, who due to hearing me verbally speak of a dream I had frequently since late teenagehood- my life was this big mansion on this hill. Many rooms though I always got to see only the first few and the second floor. Upon entering through the main doors it had the classic two staircases on each side. But on this first floor to the left was a room full of books on the left and the right side room had more guns and subautomatics than you can imagine. I don't even know what these weapons looked like to begin..point being that the ideation I was fed was that Guliani upon hearing this commented (thought I should become a lawyer-books and guns I guess). However what was so damaging was the interfacing. I also experienced a quick 'online' presence from Dinero who, upon hearing me use a racial slur went 'offline' and was no longer intrigued or interested in observing.

I like any of you reading this, would believe I was insane or mentally ill-if it were not for the in person gang stalking and psychological warfare.

Also none of this occurred before Bush got into office and when Obama got in these torturous conditions improved.
(I never realized until right now that Obama is being used to take the heat and the hate for Bush and his administration. Its obvious to me right now but due to the whole nation being brainwashed and abused that is the sentiment.Myself included. We are totally taking all of this out on Obama.)

And my sanity was never in question before that federal investigation of a connected career criminal I was associated with. Which of course was used as the cover story to make me blab so I would be killed and conveniently another MK Ultra victim would be dead.

The power of the tech I have experienced over many years is ridiculously advanced.

The files I stored mentally were wiped by one entity that is very smooth and advanced. (Two cops just came over and sat down behind me. Usually they sit out front. This bakery has newly been remodeled so it might be a tactic to keep the homeless at a minimum..then again it might be to check out what I am doing or try to screw this up. Remember when I tell on this system I free myself and break the hold of years of brainwashing. We are dealing with MC. I often wonder if even cops fully know their actions and the motives behind those actions completely. I've seen way to much shit and I trust absolutely no one. This isn't typical crime stuff here. We are talking about MILABs, classified tech and breaking high level programming. This system doesn't play games and I know for a fact human lives are like flies to them. Completely meaningless...I did just have a drug dealer fresh out of jail come.to my table and chat. Its probably normal flatfoot stuff. It might be good to have cops on my ass or criminals even. Keeps the perps away...maybe that is why I subconshussly do have such people.around me. Programming- who knows fully why we act out as we do. I know someone wants this book written at the cost of my own life.)

Anyway, the mindwipe was done so smoothly and in a perfect timely manner. As I have posted before the original programmers are artists. (Though it still sucks).