“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” --Maya Angelou

Friday, April 15, 2011

The Most Annoying Perps

Worst perps: jealous old ladies, stupid kids, upright controlling skinny 20ish males, or the total psycho assists?

Hmm. Hard choice. Id have to say the young men who think, being skinny enough to never be able to satisfy my sexually as well as being too young to even have any right to judge me at all- Id say these little f*ckers are by far the ultimate most annoying.

They sent Beta males as part if behavior modification firstly to destroy my natural Alpha female nature, due to having primitive urges to use skinny weaker males as.food for the pet wolves of the village ( primitive memories I guess) unless of course they have some extra ordinary talent or ability or intelligence, and secondly to brainwash me into existing in the horrid 'modern world' exclusively, where such Beta males now use money to replace primitive Alpha traits. Money and pick up trucks...and the gym. All of which FAIL to register as genuine in certain female's minds.

I just saw this posted on a site.


It sounds pretty dead on especially the bit about not wanting us to connect to our inner Selves or have an inner life. Note that our spirituality is also handled by institutions that are very powerful in worldly affairs..any other belief systems are considered cults and anyone satisfied with themselves is arrogant or an atheist in the eyes of the American public.

We must be managed, always.

I don't like them judging belief systems becuz they seem rather ignorant.
Its not helpful if they end up spreading misinformation.

I am surrounded by lazy people lately in the homeless scene. Or other TIs I do not trust. Obsessions with concentration camps, all that. Lots of Christians who are TIs that believe in the concentration camp theory. I now understand why Christian extremists are dangerous- they are not thinking logically.

Their beliefs are based on believing that ultimately this is all due to God's plan. Its really disturbing.

So I am losing focus or perhaps swimming in doubt lately. Stayed in MA too many seasons this year. Got alot done but the Massholedom is really wearing me down. The constant insistence on being miserable becuz someone else always has more money or status or a Harvard degree or lives in a better neighborhood. And the unconshus nosiness and impolite staring. Its no wonder they burned people for being witches here...almost the entire population insists on trying to steal yer soul every moment. Trolley and train rides are especially opportune for this lot.

Many people who know who I am or at least recognize me feel they and the system has won. But I am the only one with the whole story- all the information from beginning to end. They only think they know.

And maybe no one will believe the human experimentation or the programming bits,but the world certainly will believe the cover story material at least.

So many levels to counter attack on. So much vengence to get.

Let the idiots think its over. They support pedophile networks and black ops all tied into drug running. The Iran Contra story illustrates how that shit works didn't it?

I guess these sheep don't care as long as they are on the side of power and money.
which by no means makes them right, it uses Might to claim Right that's all.