“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” --Maya Angelou

Friday, April 22, 2011

a moment of clarity

I know now that On The Rise is in on it. They purposely systematically ignore why the women are homeless if they are targeted. Also I have experienced one of the women who knows that gang stalking exists, manipulating me personally into not being depressed which considering what I have gone through I have a perfect right to be.

I can't believe I was so naive. Not naive but totally brainwashed.

Liberalism is a lie. The reality is that its been gotten rid of totally and Nazi type factions are indeed running the country. Don't ask me how it is that Jews or blacks or anyone works with these people becuz I can't answer that as it confuses me as well and always has. Thats why I am so hesitant to claim Nazi type factions are involved but everything points to that being the reality.

I also realize that getting me.to sleep at the airport was a ploy as well. It may be a.safe place inside but its totally mind controlled. Its a complete mind controlled area. There is so much tech there in use how would I ever have thought any different.

And the reason the torture lessened under Obama was, yes, to make him look more merciful- really deserving of.that Nobel Prize, but really its becuz.there was so many more towers and so much more tech capacity and a complete spy network in place, that there's no need for overt harsh actions now. No one has the.resistance to mind control they had years ago. Only in moments like this late in the morning do I feel like I did back in 2006 or 2007 when I was conshus of myself and of reality as it had progressed from my youth up until that point.

As long as we.have these levels of electromagnetic pollution and radiation we will always be mind controlled as a population.

Take all this into consideration becuz tomorrow I wont remember this.

As I write I am recalling things that occurred over years ago with gangstalking.

I nowadays are denied much memories or only certain ones run over and over again.

There is also a system in place in MA where if I come into thinking something too subversive or make progress with recall or making a point elequently or start making a good point, provide evidence etc, my mind and thoughts will be stopped immediately..like a total freeze up on a computer. And then everything is blank. Ioften have no idea what I was thinking about.

Years ago I posted that I had to escape to VT to write and complete my lawsuit against Olnick due to MA seeming to have some method, presumably technology, that made putting thoughts into action via the Will impossible. It actually blocked the Will Power.

But this was also the same location where was being coerced into voting Republican during Bush's second term..so I chose not to go vote at all. There were a few other reports of this same experience on radio and on internet. People seemed confused and recorded it as an oddity.

Becuz even under mind control humans know.there is something wrong.

Most likely homeless people.are allowed to sleep at the airport and not be bothered or interacted with by TSA or State cops due to it being part of the behavior modification process. THAT'S why they don't even look at you when yer there.

As I finish this there has been.the sound of a hovering helicopter outside to mu left for about 7-10 min or so.

I know I wont be able to.be this honest or recall as much or.be without distraction tomorrow.