“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” --Maya Angelou

Friday, April 1, 2011

Allright. I went to Harvard to try to find sleep and friend found me in store so stayed inside and OUT of the city limits last night.

Very grateful for this. Lesson learned; there will be no staying in the city limits of Boston or Cambridge in the winter months. Staying past Nov 1st is pointless anyway as by Dec everything shuts down for holiday.

I also realize that old buildings and high mold levels in winter here have alot to do with poor health such as degrading of respitory health, overeating causing over weight and also mental health due.to molds affects on the nervous system etc.

I could.smell it coming off buildings in Cambridge especially.

The main reason I am getting so sick more frequently and losing it emotionally is.the exposure to mold over these many months. I have to be realistic about the prior damage.