Perhaps there is something to the idea that there was and is much natural liberation among Celtic women, Nordic women and in subtler ways Mediterranean women. In Rome men were just as oppressive to their wives as they have been in the 20th century but for instance, a Roman prostitute was considered a business woman and granted all the freedoms of males, Rome being an ultimately practical place. A bit too practical as slave girls had thier lips closed off with clips to prevent sexual intercourse, as pregnancy would obstruct thier work schedule. The difference is that in Rome, if contraception could be guaranteed, I dont think there would be a need for the clips any longer.
I was shocked to learn that much of the Muslim world, the Middle East, part of Asia and a large portion of Africa practices Female Genital Mutilation. I was aware of the practice before but...dealing with the huge influx of immigrants from such countries in major urban areas of the USA recently as I travel and the world changes, its become an obsession to understand why I am so threatened and put off by males from these cultures. Specifically parts of Africa. They piss me off at a primitive level and war is declared. I am talking about I get a primitive urge to destroy.
That is becuz my ancestry is from countries where women had much more power historically then these cultures that practice FGM. And as far as Rome goes forget it, they are known historically for being so fond of obscenity in entertainment that the very idea of such modesty is laughable.
I sense that our culture is being shaped more and more in subtle ways by these cultures and that we dont even realize it. Even Muslim ethics and moralities are somehow making thier way into our lives in ways we dont even see or realize. Quite unwelcome I might add. And I am sure that the NeoCons war on women is all too happy to provide access to us. Once again the white male has his house slaves keep his possessions in line.
This also explains why I believed that women from this culture had an unbelievable purity to thier beauty- and there is something unreal about it. I now realize that such an illusion comes at a very high price: Female Genital Mutilation.
Its done traditionally but also out of superstition. Its done mostly to ensure the women's fidelity. Its not just done once as in removal of the clitoris as I read many years ago or removal of the clitoris and labia. There are cultures where its done after every child and before intercourse. Not only does this keep a women's fidelity secure it obviously also ensures that her entire world revolves around things coming in and out of her body and the multiple surgeries (if you want to call the hacking surgery) before and afterwards. This gives new meaning to the term 'baby machines'.
This is ridiculous. I will go through showing what FGM is about but first lets set some things straight.
-we should NOT be giving any aid to countries that practice this. No ones tax dollars should go to feeding starving children to make more children so those females can then be cut up and terrorized. We shouldnt be giving aid to anyone in any form, either official federal aid or any private organization, especially Christian without the recipients having a form of birth control NOT condoms- either vasectomies or an implant or shot for the women. But if you dont agree with being sensible about population control, you cant argue with NO LONGER contributing to this practice and any culture that still embraces it.
-In the UK they made laws that prosecute people taking thier children out of the UK to have this procedure done. The USA being sexist and a bit too freedom loving in the face of human rights abuses, and nowadays bending to the intimidation of 'cultural sensitivity' and political correctness, has come up with a typically solution that reflects just how cowardly we have become and how we mask our denial and our NOT really caring about anything other than ourselves: that US physicians should perform this operation to ensure that its done medically sound and with anesthesia I assume, as many of the hackings in third world cultures are done in people's living rooms.
Now I understand what is so creepy about the USA nowadays. When I read this, when I looked at the pictures I realized that we in the USA are being forced to become like a third world nation. We are run by authorities that no longer listen to our wishes. Since 2003 many people especially women report being targeted and terrorized as in third world countries where torture and systematic rape are used to control populations and tribes. Our fighting spirit, we are told, is only acceptable in the service of the govt in war, never to counter authority at home. We are being dumbed down with things like multicultural ideals and political correctness and forced equality with things like actually teaching the smartest and brightest to lower themselves to the common denominator.
The same tactics are used in being targeted as are used in third world warfare and control. Except here its done covertly. It has the same effect.
Sexism always a problem in the world and especially the US, has become rampant again but its cleverly pushed in ways we cant see clearly. This has been very prominent since Bush.
I think its what white women naturally sense we dont like about Obama. I think its something so primitive, so connected to the traditions of Africa, that we just cant justify it or understand it consciously.
TI's often get systematic rape as a form of control and a part of behavior modification. When I saw this picture of this woman's eyes, I understood. Becuz I have seen this look in the mirror more than once as a result of the gang stalking system's power- especially with the use of sexual manipulation.
Thier situations however, are for life. They eyes reflect this. Once the illusion of purity and womanhood crafted by thier culture falls away, I can imagine that the reality is reflected here. Especially with the complications involved physically with childbirth and age.
These woman are activists for the issue of FGM and they are survivors of the procedure:
Oh no I would never be naive enough to yell angrily a these cultures. I am much more practical than that. Cut the damn money off and set sanctions. Make it a crime of extreme child abuse if its done in a western country. You wanna emegrate to a western country and appreciate all the benefits. NO CUTTING. End of story. All females of certain age bracket get checked out upon immigrating. If thier condition changes while in western country ALL family members are shipped back to native country with NO benefits from said nation. Nothing. All priveldges stripped. And they are never allowed in any western nation again to live. ZERO TOLERANCE is what is needed not emotional female reactions like yelling. The only thing men understand is having thier money and power taken away or messed with. Women may be the worst kind of accomplices in this but men are the main cause. The motive.
I think the problem also is that if its done through the generations then intergenerationally women dont know what its like to have thier natural body parts intact. They also have gone through the traumatic procedure themselves and this is most likely why they ignore the cries and traumatic responses of the children. Its a primtive right of passage ordeal and due to it being done for generations I doubt if anyone remembers what it was like to even have a clitoris. They have been so conditioned over generations that they cant see outside that. It is comparable to me telling people they shouldnt use toilets as they are unatural, unhealthy for the body and toilet training is psychologically damaging or limits our connection to the healthy primitive. Or looking at hyroglyphs from ancient Egypt of women giving birth squatting in the presence of only other women and calling for an end to having us lie on a bed, positioned against gravity with a male in a white coat in charge-and NOT the man who impregnated us either.
These things are so ingrained in us that we would see an invetable end to civilized society if we ceased these practices. That must be the way they are thinking of it. Also there is the aesthetic principal. The activists want to show you gore but the problem with gore is that the effect wears off after a while. Especially nowadays. People have been so overdosed on gore and violence that society has shut themselves off, even embraced it, like a hostage with Stockholm Syndrome, in order to survive. In a society such as this, with so much quiet anger that we are NOT allowed to vent due to fascist neocon/govt oppression one on side and multiculti, PC liberals on the other- such images may actually become to the benefit of the advocates of FGM! Think about what I just mentioned those two factions. They are both on a war path to get this NWO pushed through. They are actually quite mad at this point and they dont see just how insane they both have become with such mindless adherence to thier ideologies instead of thinking about the human aspect of things.
What would benefit now is to bring forth the human face. Like the face up above. Getting survivors who have realized they are NOT happy, they do NOT believe in the tradition. People who are damaged for life or families who finally admit the procedure killed thier daughters, not spirits or thier own wrongdoing.
The other problem is that once the wound is healed, it doesnt look gorey anymore. To some fetishists it may even look attractive or like a normal procedure of tribal art. Here is an example of a case of Female Genital Mutilation that looks almost artful:

Its meant to be a pair of human facial lips due to no one talking about it. However the problem is that its too pleasant. Lets look at the ugly reality:
I didnt like this article at first due to the fact that no amount of anorexia issues are as brutal for westerners as this issue is. Its systematic and its done to EVERY female no exceptions. However, the last line I think needs to be showcased and it does pull together especially the visuals in the article:
""One must suffer to be beautiful" warns a French proverb. One job of mothers under patriarchy is not to let daughters forget".
I immediately thought of how many times I have hurled resentments in my blogs especially this one towards the women who go along with gang stalking campaigns, much to my shock and horror, on the part of what is obviosly very much a male motivated operation to oppress, silence and even covertly castrate a female TI (its what happens to the men as well). I call them 'traitors' to fellow females. Often I refer to them as house slaves taking on Malcolm X's description of the old slave set ups where the house slaves would ensure they kept track of field slaves trying to escape for thier master. It ensured them continued good position as well as they most likely felt closer to the king in his castle than they did thier own kind outside of the house.
This is a perfect description of much of what I have encountered with female compliance in these campaigns. My own mother and grandmother are examples. My female friend of 12 years. Other females I thought I knew. Social workers, a phyciatrist, a psychologist, a therapist, a landlady, neighbors. Only now do I realize how instrumental women very close to me were in allowing the men close to me to be let in to be used to destroy me, and then for male gang stalking perps to finally beat me down across the nation over many years time. I understood on some level that 'they' ripped the women in my life away from me to make this possible but I never realized, never counted them up or looked at thier full influence on me. And I now accept the reality that much of thier actions were those of the women in the above article. The lying, the deceptions, the invalidating the abuse and the pathetic attempts to comfort after the offensive, life changing event- all for a what is a male majority's wishes, needs, desires or to protect males from scandal.
They may just be the worst offenders in any actions like this against women. They provide the peer pressure and they provide the denial. They also hold the girl down during the procedure, ensuring she wont be traumatized by a group of males and grow rebellious, even though it is they that are the cause of it all.
Here however is something hopeful and just to let you know in print it IS child abuse. So the next time you idealize Africa and wonder why the women are so graceful and dimur wonder about the pictures above. If that isnt the reality. I find it hard to believe that this is the only way to make ladies out of nomadic women. I understand this is a means of survival and trying to make order out of what men must fear as chaos but this is not the way.
I admire the supermodel's story of escaping out of the desert.
Oh and by the way, these women are very targeted for thier activism. Article on said supermodel:
Found dead and this one fleas to Belgium? Seems she's lucky twice in her life knowing when and how to escape the clutches of her oppressors.
They will go after African women who are high profile moreso than white women who speak out- it means more when the victims themselves come forward and culturally Africans and African Americans will listen to them moreso which is to be expected. It makes sense that such activism could interfere with alot of business going on in Africa like aid, charities or even war or guerilla actions. Systematic rape doesnt phase Americans becuz subconshusly they think of all the black men here who rape its a stereo type. But ad this to the women's misery and you may just have a new perspective on just how aggressive, domineering and violent African males politics are.
I know they believe that these rituals create civility in thier culture but I just wonder if this action isnt the root of the problems in Africas political nature. I wonder what the country would be like if the cutting just stopped and an entire generation of women were allowed to develop
normally. It might just change the state of Africa itself.
Think about this the next time you feed more starving children, so these women have to go through the ordeal of having children this way and passing on the misery. Also its done in other cultures as well.
This is supposedly done in many Muslim countries. If thats true then I am all for breaking down that culture. Forget the veil issue. That was bs compared to this.
Cloth can come off and on, this once done cant be changed.
Today I finally appreciated having all my body parts more than every before. I really thought about it what it would be like I cant imagine.
I was proud of the west, well not for the first time but for the first time in a long time, I saw how it is indeed better in the west culturally anyway.
One can really appreciate the freedoms afforded to women in other cultures compared to this.