“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” --Maya Angelou

Monday, July 5, 2010

New Blog Creation

Welcome to my latest blog. Since OnGangstalking has pretty much run its course as far as helping people I think its time to help ME. After 1,184 posts its big enough.
You may not like this new blog as its going to be very candid, brutal and not as diplomatic in its approach. I have shown restraint for years and with perhaps a bit of gratitude from readers, fellow TI's and admiration from those who knew what I had been put through and what I still had to deal with daily.

Also I have allies now not the covert faceless ones that tipped me off time and again nor the people in power on my side whom I will never know who they are but people close to me who understand gang stalking or at least understand me or genuinely like me as a person. It has taken alot of power away from the harassers as I can just call someone and blurt outright that I am being messed with. It tends to make the perps reality shatter somehow-when its not thier game anymore. F*ck them.

Also the remote influence is much more mild than it was and it may be becuz I now have it mapped out where NOT to go in the USA. I also stay the hell out of shelters and squat. My recent shift in health seems to have effected this for some reason. Now that I am considerably weakened and not in such prime health I cant sense as much as I was able to before but this also includes dulled senses, a fall into a deeper depression and very bad memory lapses. As of going into anaphylactic shock from Bactrim in Dec 2009 I now live with a very touchy allergic reaction state that I seem to be in constantly. It seems to have induced allergies to many foods and materials even something in the air at times can bring on a mild reaction resembling the very beginning stages of anaphylaxia. I live on Benedryl which makes me not able to function as I did before. I also have horrible memory lapses now as well as are unable to focus. This is due to the damage from mold exposure and being terrorized as well as being stuck in unresolved feelings from being targeted in the first place.

I am experiencing the state that the gang stalking system most likely wants for TI's and induces full blown insanity from its actions against the TI. The only thing that saved me over the years was my slight knowledge of herbs and other health practices to counter mycotoxicosis as well as being terrorized especially with Hep C and being of an age where women begin to leave thier youth behind and that means changing hormones.
As I have posted recently gang stalking seems to use this change in a woman's body AGAINST their female targets in their campaigns.

I also feel that I cant do anything else with the other blog. The country chooses to let Obama and the economy distract them and make them forget what occured during Bush. This of course is the worst thing they could do as it really does mean the end of America. You are giving your full permission to be screwed over during Bush by not fighting for justice for yourselves. This means that the time line and the way events went down will stay that way, in stone, as long as no one acts against that happening. I do not want any part of that so that means I am stateless and displaced due to not accepting thier agreed upon reality here in the USA. Which means I most likely have to leave the country to live becuz I dont really live here anymore as well as THIS IS NOT LIVING. America sucks now more than it ever did during Bush. Something about having him in office made me feel alive, as if a normal natural continuation of time and events. AFTER Bush many TI's were beaten down almost to death and with Obama conditions improved. But during Obama coming in and torture becoming less aggressive there came a feeling of let down...becuz the battle was never finished. For an entire nation to just stop dead and go to sleep after what Bush did is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. No one is doing anything about it. And they are just letting that administration get away with it.

If you dont know anything about metaphysics let me tell you what just happened to you. You have been tortured, scared, messed with and raped so that lots of energy can be reaped from you. That is why there is feeling of suspension or of being suspended. Subdued. Unless you fight back the takers will always have that energy they took from you. If you are too blind to see 9-11 as a ritual then you need to do some research of your own.

As a nation we have been robbed and now there is this president who on one hand wants to make everything better by changing everything around and on the other hand is definately using race as intimidation for us to shut the f*ck up about how we feel right now about what the hell happend before he came in. They have simply laiden us with a whole new set of problems to cover for what was done. This is a progressive stage in enslavement and I personally will not go for it.

I didnt fight hard all my life to improve myself so some Republican crazy Jesus freak whos dad has ties to the CIA as well as Big Pharma, can come into office, steal an election, and then when the people want to impeach him something blows up and they need him so hes never questioned again, then he uses remote influence (thats right) to con the next election, and anyone who is targeted during this time can tell you it was the worst nightmare we can remember, are tortured and stalked within an inch of our lives and then handed this limp wristed Harvard kid who reminds me of the worst Liberalism from the 70's with a YUPpie corporate edge now, who doesnt even come from American slave stock and now wants to hush us all to sleep concerning being having our lives destroyed and being totally screwed over.

Fuck that becuz what happened during Bush was so awful so outrageous its like that WAS Armeggedon. Its like the whole world has been destroyed and we have been flung into some other dimension. Its like everyone died and no one realizes it and still keeps functioning.

If you dont realize that the capacity of this system and weapons is to create hell on earth then you indeed are not living in reality. The reason this works so well is that there are enough people in the USA who can keep thier heads above water so its not seen as so bad. Your average American considers himself hit hard by the economy due to having to sell his boat and his Harley. The amount of wealth in the USA is ludicrous and for this country its never enough. The US has become overtly inhumane and doesnt give a shit. I feel there is a plan to try to get rid of anyone that doesnt play ball with the system. Many of us have to leave not becuz of what the powers that be are doing, they have always been doing these kinds of things...its the American People that have changed. They actually agree with the oppressor even if in speaking they claim they do not. They would never fight tooth and nail against the oppressor by playing hardball. The ones that have tried to fight by protests and proper channels get ignored and that seems to be allright with the people as well. I bet anyone who did not agree has by now moved abroad. It pisses me off to leave becuz its obviously what they want and its done very manipulatively. They also know that entrepreneur types will simply move to underdeveloped markets as is the trend in the expat scene and thats good for world economy I assume. Its all manipulation and psychological games to get their designs built.

For no one to do anything about what has happened to me or the way I have to live now is so outrageous that it has GOT to be the use of mass mind control. Those of us who are survivors of high level programming may be able to sense this and resist it due to us being more ruled by internal programming than external conditioning or hypnosis, but most people who dont understand thier inner world or their own minds will NOT sense changes and also they are more prone to believe God is speaking to them or Satan or whatever the system comes up with. The public cant fight back if they are under mind control.

I challenge anyone at any time to shut down all cell communications...shut down those towers as well as any and all electromagnetic interference for just one week and see how the world seems different and peoples thoughts would change. It sounds like the ultimate paranoia but the tech now exists and is used readily by the US military in psy op missions for 'peaceful conflict resolution' supposedly only in foriegn countries. I say such trickery is used domestically. If you want to stay asleep or can afford to good for you. I cannot and will not as the NWO is nothing more than living like the walking dead. This is not peace, its death and the enslavement of mankind.

Plus I tend to be vengeful and pissed about being robbed of my future so I have a bone to pick with a system that chooses Jake, Julie and my rotten mother over me. I want revenge and no one is going to stop me. I did my time helping other TI's but there comes a point where you realize that now you understand your situation it still doesnt stop it becuz no one is willing to do anything about it. In fact the public will continue to act stupid about it or even blame the victim. This is inexcusable. You should be able to get justice and what was stolen from you and for the public to be so on the side of the oppressor and the scumbags that sold you out means that they too, you see eventually, are your enemies. Either that or they are so enslaved that they cant or wont fight so they are worthless anyway.

The other blog will stay up for TI's to use and to assist newbies but when you discover it changes nothing I dont know what to tell you.

This system is full of arrogant pieces of sh*t that control each other constantly like a cult and destroy people like us and have no further concern after they do so. The best statement I can recall is that girl in the place I was resting a few years ago who said "They are mad at you becuz you arent accepting your situation".
That sums it up right there.

Who in the f*ck told you you rule over reality? Who are you to induce situations and create false realities through circumstances then act as if that is the natural progression of time and events? The greatest problem with these people is they believe they are god. They really believe that they can ruin someones life or change the course of time and it will stick and have no opposition. Why should I accept my situation?
What are you stupid? Do you not understand the nature of programming? People who are programmed are put through trauma early on as well as near death experiences so that they will FIGHT TO THE DEATH as warriors, spies, couriers or sex workers. Also you are chosen not only for your ability to be hypnotized or your weakness to disassociation but for the fight or violence of you DNA. My grandfather may have been a violent sex offender with my mother and her siblings but he was also the only one actually doing anything during battle when everyone else was pissing themselves or cowering or staring off into space or freaking out which is the reality of battle they dont show you. Wars are stupid and extremely f*cked up and they dont show the public enough raw battle footage to validate thier existence. The modern military is about the military industrial complex and they will do anything to keep the business of war afloat. Once again the public was warned and did sh*t so live with it now.
There is no way to get a smart survivor of programming to "accept" being enslaved. Why would we do that? The system comes after us just when we are trying to be free of enslavement and free ourselves and build a new life anyway? WHY would we tolerate that after basically a life time of enslavement from internal programming and external handlers/mild gang stalking for management?

Slavery is still accepted in the USA and anyone who says any different is a liar. PC and liberals pick and choose who is 'safe' to use as poster children for fairness and peace. They never dare offend the system by really tackling problems. PC is best suited for upper middle class people who can afford the illusion that the world is a nice place with nice people.

The new blog will deal mostly with alot of fall out from years of damage. Some readers have stopped reading OnGangstalking due to it going in that direction anyway so rather than take from what that blog was that was so good I would rather create a new one. Also I do not appreciate people expecting me to hold my composure forever. I was doing that becuz I could as I had not incurred enough damage to destroy my ability to compartmentalize damage and becuz I felt it was in the best interest of rescuing other Targets who may not understand thier situations. I did my time being helpful and dimplomatic and anyone who doesnt understand how inhuman you would have to be to handle this much truama, terror and damage doenst understand programmed people and can go read something else.

Have you EVER read a blog other than the few exceptions where a gang stalking target says that the gang stalking has stopped and they have been returned all they lost and thier lives are wondeful. This is not an oddity for your amusement folks this is war and torture. Your only choice is to turn away from us the same way you do vets of wars who suffer for life. You seem to be pretty good at that so you wont have any problems disregarding us either.

And without official acknowledgement of gang stalking it just isnt really real to you is it. Its like a good sci fi book you can read and walk away from. Anyone, ever who says a TI is bitching or being negative can go to hell and take thier PC with them. Choke on it.

Targets who fight and do activism are made of iron. We put out an incredible amount of work usually under extreme duress and free of charge to the public. IF YOU DONT HAVE RESPECT FOR THAT ...I wont even finish my sentence becuz I am through with being nice at all ever again. I'd like to kill you in your sleep hows that sound? This country expects to get its way all the time. How do you think we feel having to look around us and see everyone else enjoying thier lives and we dont get to be Americans? Alot of the smear campaign works on getting our fellow countrymen to believe we 'deserved it' so we can suffer for all they care. Why do you think they have a legal system? So that covert targeting of people for vigilantism cant occur as its often part of something much more sinister and many times the person is being USED and does not deserve what is happening to them.

This is the new blog and I hope you enjoy it. I am doing it for my own survival and sanity. I may still add pertinent things to OnGangstalking but its going to be by the title to assist other TI's and it wont be as often as I used to post.