Honestly they usually had people who were polite working overnight. And there's reasons for that.
(NO EMAILS WILL BE SENT BY ME TO THIS LOCATION OR COMPANY. IF ANY ARE SENT USING MY NAME AND ANY CONTENT FROM THIS BLOG POST a full investigation will follow as well as the max civil suite files for damages against anyone involved and criminal charges as well. this post is for public awareness as well as an act of self defense taken by me before I proceed with going through proper channels to fix the issue. )
Again theres douchey kids working the overnight downtown Boston. Very Light skinned black kid skinny. Rude, intimidating and controlling. Tries to bait and trigger constantly. Odd use of language almost as if obsessed with military culture. Potential violent maybe in future. Mayne ticking time bomb. Vulnerable populations especially females need to protect themselves. Possible domestic abuser.
If the help at night isn't more respectful and doesnt stop acting like they are officers in a prison or jail to certain people (because THEY are a certain democraphic they think no one will call them on their own shit) then I am not only going to get corporate involved which I am really good at,
I'm going to expose everything I've seen in this place over many years time. I've got photos. And I know exactly why they had to install those video screens to keep an eye on who's going into the ladies locker rooms and I will MeToo the shit out of this company by starting a legal case....and they know why.
Do not fuck with me. I've been going here for years and everyone has always been nice because they are decent or because it's in their best interest.
The behavior of this new staff is beyond unacceptable and won't be tolerated.