“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” --Maya Angelou

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Woke Up To Deprogramming Dream Sequence

A totally intrusive obnoxious dream sequence that is obviously part of deprogramming I just woke up from it. Someone woke me up by staring at me through a window...thankfully.

The sequence that is obviously part of the forced deprogramming contained a story line that was meant to get rid of the guilt that often exists in RA survivors as 'survivor guilt'.

This is most likely why I have gotten premonitions that if I leave here one of my rides will get into a fatal crash.

I.also sleep in a place with lots of people and towers and I get harassed unless I am with this Christian woman who claims also a TI and is so what controlling and very focused on getting me to.care about Armageddon part of NWO. Lots of.drama concerning killing off 90% of population and concentration camps.

By nature as a RA Survivor and someone who's programmed I am not concerned with large groups of the population dying...I only want to deliver information about the mind control tech to people who care about having an unnatural world with their Will totally subverted.

And what I just went through ad well as the whole process of keeping me here via coercion is a prime example.

Mind control tech should not be used as it has been on me to reform people, convert to Christianity, destroy life experience or memories or be part of forced deprogramming.

What has been done to me has left me with severe health issues and drained my life energy.
Its destroyed my talents and taken away my power. Its lowered my intelligence and ruined my beauty.

This is part of forced conformity from 'The State' not a true wish for a Spirit to heal. This is the destruction of spirit.

Abusive destructive forced deprogramming should be illegal in this form also.