I finally had enough of that domineering woman. Thats why she's alone most of.the time. She's totally full of herself. She thinks she's smarter than me about my specific gang stalking situation. And she cannot stop criticizing me. Its terrible.
She is always calling me rude becuz she wants me to kiss.her ass. Other people around me in the homeless scene, even social services workers tell me that I shouldn't have to be dealing with such a domineering personality.
All I wanted was companionship during staying in certain places in the evenings.
This woman is very manipulative and must know how pushy she is. Then when people get aggregated with her or impatient she pegs them as rude or not letting her finish her sentences.
If she's not a perp I certainly understand why she's targeted. She also does not get any tech and has not experienced any RA or programming.
Which is suspect. It means she got gang stalked out of her home by locals in her hometown. Her only claim to being targeted in the NWO is that she beleives she's from the house of.David simply becuz her father told her so.
And she is so into the big picture...but she seemingly doesn't know anything about organized crime that would put her in danger nor is she MK Ultra or a Survivor of programming.
A cop was a little too intense around me a while ago as well as some action from a union location, both of.which I always have problems.with and have posted that for years. Those two factions are heavily involved in the eastern US wherever I travel.
She keeps criticizing my claims that I get harassed when I do experience it in this location we are in. She said whenever she goes to the bathroom I always have a problem with someone. That is a total exaggeration.
Its very simple, the formula as to how and by whom I usually get harrassed, and I should be very suspect of her denying such things.
I was sick of it and finally insulted her which I shud have done weeks ago.
She got in my face and told me I had always been a rude person. I was sitting down so of course she finally got to be taller than me.
She has a major Napolean complex due to being very short. And it comes out very nasty.
I can't put up with it anymore.
I catch her staring at me sometimes and once I looked at the glass in front of us and noticed her looking up from appearing to wipe her nose, she was just looking up with her head down...it was so indicative of someone being dishonest or sneaky.
She's done nothing but beat me down for weeks now and claim she is the one putting up with me actually,,when she has the rep of someone who can't shut up.
At least unlike Mary Holiday, who's criminal record speaks for itself, I have character witnesses is she tries to discredit me.
Its a shame really becuz her activism was very useful, and she did fill in alot of missing info I didn't have time to find.
Which is what TIs are supposed to do. But she wanted to get too chummy with me and mix that with constant never ending talk about activist issues.
When I get off those blogs I am done and onto my other lifestyle. I don't want to deal with this shit after that point.
Her every waking moment is about this crap..no wonder she only focuses on Armegeddon.
And I couldn't take the Christian obsesssng anymore. She was born Jewish and is now a Christian type who believes god has this all planned etc. I can't take her fatalism anymore but I also can't take the way she talks or behaves towards people especially having to be around that so much. She's like a poor,homeless Yenta. Its awful. I just can't take that anymore.
She seems to have very little respect or even understanding of what people have gone through being targeted. Actually she seems to have little respect for.other peoples boundaries to begin with.
She keeps obsessing that marshall law is 2012 and we only have a year left and that we should push harder to make people aware.
This person acts just like a cult would have one.act.
She listens to TI activist groups too much that push that shit that's why. Either that or she believes it on her own and she these thinks annoying people is going to save her somehow.
It's either going to happen or its not. And I am not the kind to spend my last days worrying or trying to stop the inevitable.
This is another problem with people who aren't RA or Survivors of high level programming from suspected state actors.
Our attitudes towards death are vastly different from people like her. We are formed to not only be fearless regarding our own deaths but some programming actually has the programmed person have a kinship with death orbelieve we are death itself in small sections of programming.
There is no way a programmed person could ever have normal human perceptions concerning death.
We are formed to.embrace what is reviled by others and fear things normal humans find harmless or to not fear what sensible humans should fear.
Her concern just makes no sense to me and really it was robbing me of precious energy.
I will never understand the ignorance of people like her or.the heartlessness of people in social services like the homeless scene towards Survivors of programming.
Most people in.American society treat us very badly and without respect or even human sympathy.
For the most part the way I get treated is akin to pure jealousy or that I am a threat. To EVERYONE?
And I know I am being mistreated most of.the.time by most of.this country's population. There are honest people who.have exclaimed outright
"Your life sucks!" And she was being totally honest and said it impulsively.
That means one thing: those who don't believe us about what goes on with mind control slavery probably are the types who would help us and change things if they were informed correctly and those that DO know are partaking in the system in a massive conspiracy to keep us down.
Others may be aware but can't help and just turn away and the rest are also targeted.
I realize as I write this exactly why this system never is stopped or why anyone who effectively exposes it never lasts very long.
My naivete was thinking I was going to be the first to get it right. I suppose they encourage this in all targets so that we will keep going for whatever reason.
But the people around us whether meaning to or not, keep us down permanently.
I don't believe anything will hangs after my book. Plenty of tie have written books.
I just want mine left behind as recalling of my being here....my one last han e to leave something behind. Then I don't care what goes on...