Today I felt a bit better than I had in a while. Somewhat more focused.
Told President was in town, this could be why I feel some relief. Granted I am always in a state of denial to survive in daily life as well as I've been brainwashed through being terrorized, betrayed and abused to percieve myself as a victim and basically a hated person world wide for the most part. Walking around traumatized like that will ensure that a Target is very controllable and easily manipulated further.
I became very clear when I realized he was in town.
This has occured before most recently a few months ago around Harvard Sq. The feds showed up, like Secret Service or something in an SUV. I figured it was someone's kid at Harvard.
What was impressive was that any and all remote influence I was feeling or electronic warfare ceased. This is also what occured at Woods Mullen this month, when a Boston Police officer came into the women's dorm bathroom to search someone. I noted the relief and then realized the cop was in there, as I was in the shower.
Since so many cops are in on gang stalking it might be that this is done by an entity that does not want to be detected by legit civilian law enforcement types or the system ceases its electronic warfare in the presence of law enforcement and officials so that they can do their jobs properly.