“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” --Maya Angelou

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Using the TI's Race In Smear Campaign/Cover Stories

Race is used against the TI as an issue to wound them as in the races or classes of the people who harass us (and worse).

I never noticed this before but racism has been used in my smear campaign.
There is a heavy focus on my Italian-ness. Its truly annoying as first of all I only have ONE Italian ancestor and secondly I know very little about this family name Cedrone and have met a few of them minimal times and lived with my father's sister for a few months.

If I act out in typically Italian ways then its purely DNA driven perhaps with a bit of Boston being a place formerly influenced by Italian culture, unlike nowadays where whatever Italian influence I was used to in the 70's as a baby is very obviously gone from Boston's culture. It may be that the second generation's have gone on and turned 'white' or moved away, become fully Americanized or the conspicuous formula of every major city which is forced diversity of key demographics usually heavy on the WASPy or YUPpy types along with African Americans of lower classes. Latin areas make me feel as if there is some Italian type of influence left and I usually am alot more cheery and healthy emotionally in such places like near the southern border of USA.

I have various other DNA cultural backrounds including German, Dutch, Irish, French Canadian, Lithuanian. More in depth is a study of my last name reveals its first mention ever historically was in Belgium in the 14oo's and its recorded that this family name emigrated out into Europe for some unknown reason. And of course among any Eastern European DNA one must suspect Asian DNA or one can look at Italian DNA and perhaps there is Arab or many other cultures mixed into that location. Cork Ireland like much of Ireland is heavy on Viking colonization and raids. In order for me to truly know I have read that I would need my mother and my father's DNA samples of which I probably will get neither.

Come to think of it, perps have focused very heavily on my being Italian or Jewish and there is not connection to Judaism in my family, unless they know something that I or my relatives do not. My figure has been shoved down my throat by perps as typically 'Italian'. I was told that blacks were after me so heavily in gang stalking campaigns or trying to snag me on the street due to they being misguided in thinking that they believe Italians are thier own race.
My fondness for wearing a handkerchief on my head has been insisted by one perp as being "Jewish" when in fact, if one has to insist on it being connected to a cultural backround via DNA it could be Eastern Europe, which is where Jews get alot of thier culture from as passing through Russia, Germany and Poland. The things they picked up like DNA, clothing, music, food recipes etc are eastern European and due to the Iron Curtain for many years in the USA, I believe that American culture is extremely ignorant about Eastern Europe and Russia in every way. They dont seem familiar with Eastern European character outside spy movies or ballet dancers. Its really annoying. And all Polish people are stupid to them. But Jews who picked up Polish everything are smart right? WTF is that? Its theft and misrepresentation as well as perception management is what it is.
Its as simple as Eastern European culture having no value, weight or meaning for Americans and Jewish culture is something they are much more familiar with and exposed to so there you have it.

My figure is due to my mother having the same figure and she is not one bit Italian. She is all of the other cultures I mentioned minus Italian or Lithuanian. Since her mother only has the height and picky dress sense of the Irish/French respectively and southerners tend towards bigger shapes like my mother's it'd be safe to attribute her looks to my German/Dutch grandfather from New Orleans, LA. German women are often build well.
And as for me being Italian my uncle is red headed and 6'10" and no one in that family including my grandparents is under 6'0". Other than my mother everyone is blonde with blue eyes.

Other than my father everyone in his family is blonde with green eyes and short without much shape at all but extremely muscular probably from Lithuania.

I simply lucked out in the DNA crapshoot game thats all. And this obsession with the darker peoples of Europe just screams more Nazi sympathizing bullsh*t really.

It is odd that I get picked on so and my mother and father happen to be the only two brunettes in their families. With my mother its obviously what the Irish call the Black Irish which is thought to be from Spanish galleons going down during the Spanish/English war off the coast. If anyone expresses a Spanish ..not LATIN but European Spanish temperament its my mother. However her sheer size mixed with the force of her personality is an enigma to me. I dont know what she exhibits most genetically.

Jewish is still one of the most hysterical screw ups on thier part.

I recall there was this moron in a van once that was half drunk and loving on Jake due to his having some very obvious Nordic features physically, the guy spoke of his forehead specifically. Years later, thinking about the perps obsession with race it always was fun to think back at that and know that Jake with all his blondeness and Scotts/Nordic, good ol boy southern looks was actually the one with true Jewish heritage on his mother's side and well as Native American on his father's side. I guess if you looked at his body type he did have a big Native's body.

One really wants to think that this is part of the gas lighting and false flagging. That its just another diversion and no one that stupid would be in charge of making judgement calls based on DNA or race with how stupid they seemed about formulating thier theories.

Either that or someone did a DNA test secretly and there is something they know that I do not.

Its just so insulting to have all of my behavior chocked up to ONE grandparent. One of the scarier perps, one of the old guys that looks like a criminal, attributed my not giving in to gang stalking as my "Italian stubborness". And all of these comments, many of them were actually said to me as dismissals of me telling that person what I thought my reasons were. The kerchief on my head, the reasons for not falling to intimidation and other instances were all ignored by a male perp who knew who I was and my situation when they should not have had such information and used race as intimidation or mind control. I would say that men correcting a woman and telling her what to think when she is speaking from knowing her own mind and motives IS MIND CONTROL.

So now these f*ckers are guilty of not only sexism but gross discrimination. Its the least of thier crimes.

I guess its the best they can do to add some racial aspect to the smear campaign. That the way I act is especially degenerate and its due to some racial predisposition.
Which is exactly the bs that is in The Way of the WASP by Bush's former speech writer. That Jazz music must be turned into harmless backround music and that there are far too many Italians making love to thier food. These are not just ideas in that book but actual statements and not just for fun but of intent. That these things must be made non-threatening. To make "anti-sensuality" the norm in American culture.

It may have been amusing years ago but after what I have seen and after what the country has been through its not funny anymore.

Once again cover stories, excuses and fronts are used to explain away the results or side effects of programming, RA and mind control.