[Keep in mind while reading this that Ive been targeted all my life but intensely for ten years and am in my early 40s now. My health is a bit comprimised and I live a lifestyle more attuned to a 20 something by living out of a back pack which I carry daily, sleep outside now in the cold and often am functioning sleep deprived which the perps love to make sure of. SLEEP DEPRIVATION IS ONE OF THE KEY COMPONENTS TO MAKING THIS WORK FOR THEM ON A TARGET. THE OTHER IS SEXUAL CONTENT SPECIFICALLY ABUSE. WITHOUT THOSE TWO THEY WOULDNT BE ABLE TO ACCOMPLISH ANY OF THIS TO THE LEVELS OF WHAT THEY DO. Ive been having frequent sleep deprivation for a good five years now though I cure it when I can by day napping. One of thier tricks is to mess with you so you waste time being distracted from what was on a planned schedule so that they can ensure you dont make time for a nap- an easier thing to do in cold weather where you have to go to a specific place to nap.]
One of the tortures Ive been experiencing for the last year is what the psychiatric world has addressed as Truman Show Syndrome. http://guardianlv.com/2013/09/truman-show-syndrome-delusion-on-the-rise/Which is a decpetion becuz these are people who do not know anything about being targeted or Gang Stalked obviously. How can such a concept be true without all of the possible information that explains the phenomena or condition?
When one looks at the covert activity of 'gang stalking' as well as becomes educated in the existence of advanced technologies then one can refer to this as Truman Show EFFECT. Becuz obviously its something that the shadow system is capable of producing to brainwash and torment Targeted Individuals. Its done on purpose, it seems by logic to be a product of technologies available to the powers that be and it reacts like tech always does. Microwaves most likely- it disappears in solid underground areas or other areas where tech cannot reach.(Basements in hospitals, some govt buildings, in bathrooms contained within old, sturdy steel and concrete buildings etc.)
It is not present during the time frames that I have DOCUMENTED OVER THE YEARS that remote influence seems to be present in the USA (for TIs at least) which is from approx 12 midnight to approx 6 am mon-Sat every day of the year except federal holidays and Sundays. In some locations Sat might be milder or Sundays might not be 'clear' but mild influence might be possible. NO PLACE in the USA have I experienced any tech on federal holidays. Some TIs find that they are clear on thier birthdays. BTW birthdays are traditional Satanic calender holidays for ritual abuse survivors.
TRUMAN SHOW EFFECT is what when a TI is being targeted by technologies and maybe chemical influence also to assist in the tech being more effective, to create a daily interface with the person's mind that makes them believe that they are living in a reality show where people can view them and thier lives.
Many of us are aware that we are experimentees in MK Ultra projects. MK Ultra was concerned with behavior modification and wiping the mind of previous information namely, the person's memories and thier natural born identity and Self.
Truman Show EFFECT as I call it works by getting information out of me, the TI and finding out what people I admire, emulate, feel kinship with or want to use as example for my life. Since Survivors of these programs often are intergenerational, we have very poor examples of functioning, successful role models. So we do what most poor kids have done who are smart and creative- we emulate what we find that we admire. What we would like to be or who reminds us of us thats successful.
This is how many famous, successful people have gotten out of poverty or nowhere to fulfill thier potential. Its using your imagination and thats one of the things I mentioned that the NWO wants to trap and take away from people namely with technologies.
Its too much to get into writing about here but mankind has been doing amazing things on earth using his imagination. Ancient primitive man, his imagination, spirit and the drugs from plants, would find gods or commune with them. This and healing is what modern humans are attempting to do when they take drugs, unfortunately, the powers that be know this and ensure that these plants are now in forms that are bastardized and will only enslave humans, most likely through the physical or animal sides. Chemical powders that are overpriced is all that is available to us.
I realized that in the very beginning of this, in the early 2000's, they got the base info for what they needed to get to me all these years. In years past I was not experiencing Truman Show EFFECT and then it became it was only occassionally in certain areas. This year its been a daily occurance and its constant. I believe they are trying to burn out whats left of my mind with this Truman Show EFFECT illusion.
Imagine no longer being capable of independent thought but every thought, every second, every day is interfaced into this Truman Show illusion. I am not to live in a reality where I am so constantly interfaced with these intrusions that I come to believe, even though intellectually I know that this is the system doing this with tech- that I am indeed being observed through cameras on a reality show.
In my case they are trying to convince me that I am being put onto a reality show by using a somehow interconnected network of surveillance cameras AROUND THE COUNTRY. No longer just in one city or area of a city but everywhere I go this year. Every camera behind it is either the reality show audience or a security person observing me, who of course is in on the Gang Stalking.
This is how intrusive its become and how altered my mind has become to feeling connected to the cameras used for security and surveillance in any given city or area.
These cameras now control my life basically. This is due to years of brain washing and alteration of a healthy brain and mind from a decade of gang stalking which, in short, causes the BRAIN DAMAGE needed and conditions the human animal to be controllable by such means.
In the scenerio they have created, certain famous people are supposedly watching this reality show I am supposedly the center of attention in.
I notice these are famous people that the gang stalking system has drawn to my attention through media psy ops placement over time as well as they might are usually people that they found out I admired or felt sympathitic to or wanted to use as example how to succeed in life. A side by product of this is that now, I can no longer use these people in my imagination as rold models or for inspiration such as one would a biography of a person they admired. I am now simply controlled by these people or rather the false representations of them created by this system daily.
There is no way that many of these people, with thier busy lives or responsibilities would have time to observe me as often as the illusion is created that they do on a daily basis. And another glitch is that often the characters are represented as younger versions of themselves, probably so that I will be more apt to admire them as its in thier youths I found them attractive as inspiration.
The system uses these people's images to fool my mind into believing they are watching, daily. And due to thier supposedly watching ALL THE TIME, every action, every thought is governed by this audience of important people I would admire. So basically I am being controlled by the illusion of an audience of famous and influencial people who I am supposed to be able to read thier emotional or mental reactions to what I am doing in public spaces, considering I live basically in public spaces.
The only time this does not occur is in a safe space like a few drop in shelters for women only but in some of these places I get the feeling that there are security cameras that I cannot see and I am urged to watch what I do even in the privacy of the showers.
Basically this is a system to rule a Targeted person completely. Whether they are supposed to be in a private shower or bathroom or going about thier business in public spaces. The audience illusion is for behavior modification obviously and for ensuring that the person behaves according to what the system wants. Its also to make me feel like I am surrounded by people who are akin to me who care who will give me input. Often they give me the illusion that this audience finds my antics amusing or glorifies my status as rebel or some sort of hero of thiers. Again I dont buy into this due to the intrusive nature of the visions and fake psychic contact thats interjected into my mind daily as well as the falsified age of many of the famous audience members and again- the frequency of thier taking time to view JUST ME daily. What, these people no longer have lives of their own??
And every single one of these people either has a connection with legit system by way of being honored by thie Queen, thier govt or President Obama (figures) or they supported the worst neocons during Bush or else they have a history of Satanic activity or connection to Illuminati that was often overlooked by fans due to thier love for thier work..or brainwashing which people dont want to look at. Some of these bands definelty have created a cult out of thier fan base.
I could admit who these people are specifically but firstly, I dont think it would stop the torture. Secondly, I never want to reveal information becuz a) it only helps the system to target me in other ways more accurately b)it might be what they want as getting a person to finally give up information they kept private, like an interrogation, seems to be part of the wanted results of gang stalking a targeted person. MK Ultra was also documented to be doing projects that focused on interrogation etc. It fits right in very logically with MK Ultra just like the rest of the horrors Ive been put through. And with my mother being the daughter of two US Marines and a documented radiation experimentee at the Naval Hospital in the 1950s as far as I am concerned- it all makes sense.
They seem to be trying to finish many TIs off. Me especially they made sure they got me away or kept me away from legit, credible activists with info from the very start of this. Now I am so f*cked up I cant get away from the gs system long enough to get help. They know this and they know I am physically ill. So, logically, they are coming in for the kill. Trying to make me finally act out in violence, drive me insane in a way I wont be able to handle or come back from or trying to get me to leave my hometown for good or the country altogether.
Laughably a few years ago, they sent some dumb b*tch to the womens day drop in shelter who was trying to pretend to help me by referring me to NY real estate lawyers. Perps are easy to spot though- they often look like drug addicts at a party where theres everything they could want available. Too eager, too happy, too excited and too damn confident that the Target is stupid.
You gotta remember that these people are used in these special circumstances BECUZ THE TARGETED PERSON IS OFTEN VERY HIGHLY INTELLIGENT OR CONSIDERED POWERFUL AND DANGEROUS BY AUTHORITIES. They get rid of brilliant minds this way and very strong people. It beats their old cover ups in the 60s, that now they cant get away with so easily anymore.
I highly suspect I am chipped and have been since infancy. Its the only way they could do alot of what theyve done over the years. This is very common in experimentees and people with high level programming. I know I had an x-ray once and a white little spot showed up near the center of my brain in the front. It wasnt normal. I went to a neurologist who backed away from me and bullshitted his way out of being in the office with me.
I said nothing about microchips or brain implants, only asked what the spot was. It was during Bush in the early 2000's when everyone in Boston and Cambridge was in on trying to get me killed and drive me out of the area.
So many people still are in on this. Especially when Red Sox Nation is around. They hate my guts totally. Pro sports are especially nasty in the NWO for some reason.
So there you have it. This is the torment thats grinding down my brain daily as of this year. And another thing thats obvious: IT CEASES WHEN I AM AROUND OTHER PEOPLE. Which means this is also a deterant to my spending time alone. Another means of control and behavior modification.
I highly doubt if the people that are supposedly watching have that much time in a day to not only watch me through a special reality show channel only available to them, but also to be able to interface with me psychically or emotionally. Its definately to replace having a family. Which is why these people take you away from your original family and friends to begin with, so they can trap you in thier virtual bullshit.
The system seems desperate to control me now. Perhaps my age, wisdom, experience and knowledge are a great threat to them, just as ten years ago my beauty, youth, strength, multi talent potential and memories were a threat to them then.
It also seems that they are really working on grinding me down into a human being that's conscnousness is basically blank or empty by way of brain damage and lack of stimuli- then controlled soley by an outside system of technologies and influences such as organized stalking as conditioning.
No one takes away ten years of my youth, sex life and years I could have lived fully and gets away with it.
Im wondering if leaving the country is THIER idea actually and not mine. I wonder if, even though Ive suffered for years in America, that I potentially have more rights here that I havent gotten a lawyer to help me with than I EVER WOULD IN A FORIEGN COUNTRY. Which might be why they want to drive me abroad. Personally I want to stay and heal and save my hometown from corporate rot and horrible YUPpies and new money rich snobs who are just destroying Harvard.
Thank goodness for its ghosts and those old buildings. Even the ground beneath in Harvard keeps true to its memories. They'll never take Harvard. Ever.
In the end the TI must realize that we are a lone person, caught in a trap due to being an experimentee in a classified project run by unbelievably powerful people with seemingly endless resources and access. Most people dont know about us and our horrible situation, those that do are in on it and will do what the system needs done to contain us, continue to experiment on us or destroy us if necessary. That is the ONLY reality I need to keep in mind. Its hard though when, ever day, its being pulsed out through tech and shot into my brain otherwise, which I am sick of.
Oh and the GS is back in this area for me for some reason. Its miserable. I changed my address back to this state maybe that did it, I dont know and I dont care.
Opinions and pinings. No disclaimer statement as this is personal and not activism, to raise awareness or to educate. © 2010-2023
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” --Maya Angelou
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Getting Pushed To Go To Shelter-Not A Good Idea Now, Unless You Want The Place Destroyed
Being given flashes of vision to go to shelter in Somerville MA, Catholic Charities. Im still having lower back pain from that medical procedure-fatigue and depression also. So something is urging me to go inside as its getting cold here and I am not functioning well.
That shelter has so many horrible people working there and alot of long term shelter rats.
Many people in on the gang stalking campaign have came from that shelter.
A bunch of ignorant jealous bitches. The annoying black female director ended up back (back?)on crack and left her job I heard.
That place was instrumentsl in helping to destroy me over these years.
Christians who hurt people is what they are. Fake Christians. Also cowardly, weak, stupid people who work or stay in religous based homeless shelters and take advantage hiding in such a place but DONT HAVE THE INTELLIGENCE OR BALLS TO BE OUTRIGHT OR OVERTLY EVIL. Who stays in a Christian shelter but helps destroy people's lives or mess with people?
People who want to be bad asses but dont have the guts to do so out in society. Probably they were in jail too long and usually such people were wimps in jail. Nowadays every shithead who's lower class talks about thier (BORING) endless stream of charges, jail time and probation. The whole thing really is disgusting, a bore and quite...embarassing.
In the REAL WORLD of GROWN UP or professional organized crime, if you go to jail you are an idiot. It was that way when I was little. This psuedo bad ass, ghetto-fied culture for poor people nowadays is just ANOTHER SCAM BY THE ESTABLISHED SYSTEM to keep poor people down...since church and drink no longer works, and oppression doesnt fly anymore, they gotta use jails and psychiatry.
As usual the lower classes just dont see it and anyone who does gets targeted or destroyed, beat down, whatever. Unless they are lucky enough to have the right circumstances and they become actually effective at going against the system. But its never enough nowadays, everything is so controlled.
Ive heard of and dealt with real stand up cons from the prison system. THEY ARE NOTHING LIKE THE LOSERS ONE HAS TO DEAL WITH IN SHELTERS ETC WHEN BEING A GANG STALKING TARGET.
These are people who wish they were stand up cons or want to be bad ass. If you behave that badly in a space like a homeless shelter thats supposed to be a safe space as well as you try to be aggressive in some way towards another person you cant be that much of a tough person or a real bad ass. You are weak. You are stupid. You are a loser.
Thats what Ive had to deal with in shelters for years. People who think just becuz a few shithead crooked cops (run by the intel people who are connected to the larger system I assume) and thier cronies in the administration of these shelters tell them to mob a Target who's at the shelter, they are in on something big that makes them powerful. Its a simple gang mentality and it REEKS of being part of the CIA connected experimentation such as Jonestown.
And it doesnt surprise me that AFRICAN AMERICANS were predominantly the population of The People's Temple as much of the pro perp groups Ive encountered as well as the people in shelters who are part of what seems like unprofessional mobbing groups of targets-its either largely a black population or its nigrified/ghettofied. Most homeless shelter culture is Afro-ghettofied which is why alot of people dont want to go to shelters. And I now realize that isnt by mistake or coincidence. As paranoid as it sounds, it seems the shadow system somehow found something very much of value to them and thier operations within the communities of former slaves of African descent.
Shelter rat people in on gang stalking are the biggest pains in the asses you can imagine. They make up a large amount of the harsssment a homeless ti encounters, and thats all races and cultures included. They inhabit night shelters and day drop ins..every single one in fact. Its different from when a shelter is taken over by a professional perp group. Those people are usually viscous, relentless, always on the job and excell at mind fucking the TI. THey usually leak info they shud not know to the Target often out of arrogance, part of a messing with the person's mind or sometimes I think...out of whatever is left of them thats human. Those people actually let the TI in on the fact they are being gang stalked. Strangely, the shelter rat perps who are in shelters anyway and just by however it works, ends up being part of mobbing the Target while the person is in that shelter.
The shelter rat mobbing groups seem to consist of an 'IN' crowd connected to staff in the shelter(s). They are people who you can tell are in there anyway not sent in for an operation as professionals. They are only a fraction of the population staying in the shelter.
Professional groups who do gang stalking of a Target are cohesive as one large group. EVERYONE staying there at that time is in on it. They act and do things that actors would do. They have timing, can take cues quickly and one can see them working together daily as a group there for a single purpose. The members of these groups often seem brainwashed but not stupid and Ive seen them being not dumb animals reacting to mobbing cues and wanting to be bad asses but legitamately dangerous, viscous people who do what they do professionaly. They also have access to info they reveal which the other lame asses who are mere shelter rats do not.
I dont think that the shelter rat types are capable of weaving in info into a conversation just so, so that it subtley fucks with the TI's mind. In fact, the shelter rats are the ones who most often DONT allow a TI to know ANYTHING is going on or reveal any sort of info at all. They make stupid faces around the TI as if they are steeling themselves against how awful the whole situation is which is nothing more than false drama and wanna be criminal behavior. Real criminals have poker faces and smoothly guide thier victims down where they want them- I know Ive dealt with them for years. Its the small time nobody fakers in the shelter system who are doing nothing more than bullying really, using the Target to get off on a FANTASY of committing crime.
Becuz the professional perp groups have absolutely NO sympathy for the Target. In fact they often have a sadistic sense of amusement or humor about what they are doing to the person and this adds to their sense of being clever that they use in further acting out skits as part of the psy ops.
Shelters are also targeted with tech influence. Either that or they've got a hell of a good psychic warrior program working on reaching Targets in shelters. I say its tech but I cant say for sure. Every shelter Ive ever been in is effected by tech. Alot of them are so hurting for money they have cell repeaters on top of the buildings which of course is the system's dream becuz Targeted Individuals stay in shelters when driven that far by GS programs right? Its all so damn convenient for them.
People think society is random. When something like the last ten to twenty years is planned out by such criminally insane people as Bush, Reagan and the elites and thier Nazi friends who inspired them to such ends (and means-Project Paperclip), artisans of social engineering like that are not going to leave anything to being random. In fact, such fine artists are going to be so delicate, so talented, so convincing that they create the illusion that much of reality is random and chance.
Its not chance to fuck up the street scene from the 60's and 70's by letting all the mentally ill out of the state hospitals then ten years later introducing crack. Then creating anti drug laws, while your adminstration pays rebels off in a war WITH DRUGS, which then connects to sourcing out community destroying drugs like crack to black gangs who then take rap music and make it into something that sounds merely hypnotic, that takes over society-dumbing people down and encouraging them to glorify being kept down in a ghetto reality.
All along you feed the prison system which becomes totally corporate and you then create a system and a people that feed psychiatry which by now deals drugs for Big Pharma- of which Bush has been on the board of directors for. (Lily).
Then you divert everyone in the 90's with heroin, self indulgent depression and a false sense of security-then send in a second generation of Bush so when something seemingly 'randomly' blows up, its no longer of interest to the public that his brother most likely scammed him the election.
Then, under the guise of war and anti terror you then heavily and overtly target every person who has ever been a problem, will be a problem or was targeted from birth as part of a classified or black project. Those people end up out on the street, homeless.
You now have created such a horrible environment out in 'the street' that there is no way any sort of revolution, rebellion or anything else sensible is going to come out of such a population-even though you are driving the most likely possible leaders of such things out into the streets, historically where revolutions breed.
You then make every ignorant, misinformed, traumatized then brainwashed citizen hateful and paranoid of anyone who is from 'the street' minus of course the ghettofied types who you want all lower class people to emulate-most of whom will work for you willingly or through slight coercion anway.
THAT is not random. That is engineered. And people like my mother, who thinks she's smart about politics or the people involved, used to parrot what other Americans said about Bush. That he was a wimp becuz he was skinny most likely or didnt react to certain situations.
These are people who dont watch closely enough. They watch tv but they arent watching THE REALITY thats being broadcast to them through the tv.
Real criminals hide. Being seen as flightly, a wimp, stupid etc is great cover. Just think about the criminally insane villains in the old bond movies-they never came out of thier lairs to be seen in public usually or if they did they hid in plain sight.
Its often shocking to me that people ask me what I do for a living. In my youth at parties one just did NOT ask that question. Its a sign of being unsophisticated and most normal,average Americans I have met traveling ask me repeatedly such questions.
That is how little Americans understand the world of crime. Cops act stupid too. They love Chief Wiggum or the KeyStone cop character. The donut jokes. Many of them Ive seen might be off the wall or seem criminally insane themselves but they arent stupid. Ive found them to be good actors. The only thing about them is that when they feel there is a free line of communication, such as you are telling the truth and the situation becomes harmless, they can then become seeminly normal human beings- which does not happen with perps or shelter rats. Which tells you they probably arent in on gang stalking becuz the cops who are, are just as vile as the pros maybe even creepier. Many of them are overtly demonic in thier little uniforms.
I believe criminals minds are superior simply becuz they are psychic. Highly intelligent yes but criminals are predators becuz you dont think as fast or know what they know. Cops would have to be capable of the same levels to work with criminals.
The only fun you get to have is watching shelter rats become aware that you arent stupid and in fact most TIs are highly intelligent. However, most of them are so into shooting false drama up thier viens that they dont care anything about your character. In fact, the more People magazine bullshit factoids they know about you, the creepier it is that they are in on anything as intimate as destroying YOUR life.
They really dont deserve it.
This is why I wont go to a shelter, specifically that one in Somerville.
In fact I have had it with that place from two years ago. And Pine Street before that etc.
If I end up going to any shitty shelter again I am going to be a problem. I am going to punch out bitches instead of tolerating any bullshit. That Somerville shelter, especially Catholic Charities who have some horrible shelters like in San Dieog also- very offensive to me as my family is Catholic even if I am not-that place needs to be burnt to the fuckin ground actually.
Ive got no problem nowadays with such an action.
Im not going to go all the way down to thier level in such a place. Id rather be outside where my not taking crap is a necessary part of nightly survival and is appropriate to the environment. If you start putting Travelers in shelters who are tired and sick struggling to function- you are going to get alot of violent energy as Travelers have to function on superhuman levels compared to homeless staying in shelters.
The public think the sensible people are in shelters and the fuck ups are outside. Actually anyone staying away from shelters is showing self respect and if its a Traveler, the person is too big, too smart, too creative and too powerful as an individual for a shelter. It would be like putting a big wolf in with a bunch of domesticated animals. Of course the domesticated animals will mob and kill the wolf-but if the wolf reacts in self defense finallly then it is the one who is wrong or evil or whatever.
Those kinds of people have always thought this way about things and the shadow system uses thier instincts in thier operations.
They know damn well that Survivors (of Ritual Abuse, classified projects or high level programming) are akin to supermen or women or at least strong resourceful loner types who are trained to make it on thier own and who are used to running off of INTERNAL programming not the programming society gives people to live in the world.
This is why its so important to mob one single Target. Someone somewhere genuinely believes that its best for society if these lone, powerful people become as dumbed down as everyone who is coming after them. They may be right but the problem is that THEY and THIER SYSTEM created such lone wolves capable of such power.
They cant just create and destroy as they please for thier own benefit. They THINK they can but they also think that they can control an entire planet of people with mass mind control via chemicals and technologies as well as thier little human intel forces.
They are the kind of people who believe there are 'no rules'. If that were true, then this planet would have been their's long ago. If that were possible then the planet would not have been created for a balance of different kinds of beings.
The darker forces today believe that there are no rules, might makes right and that just becuz you want the world to be just for 'the elite' that the rest of humanity has to be destroyed.
The only thing they have is progresses in technologies and sciences generally. They have hidden this progress from the public and are keeping people ignorant while using this progress against the public.
I find it very interesting that its so important to destroy me or make sure I dont write my book becuz they keep convincing me, now daily, that no one is going to read it...that no one is listening. If that is true then why is it so important to prevent the creation of such an supposedly unimportant thing?
Though with the govt shutdown it seems peaceful, there is now the worst campaign against me Ive experienced in my entire life. They are really going in for the kill now, looking to break me permanently it seems. As if society demands it for some sort of finalization or peace.
I will tell you one thing- this timeline is false. Completely false. This is in no way shape or form what my life was supposed to look like or be. To try to validate or solidify or make permanent or seal this fate of mine or this timeline as its been is COMPLETELY INSANE. The people behind trying to use mass mind control and very powerful black magick (with tech and legit sciences of course in unison) to push the events to happen as they have and then try to keep society that way ARE INSANE. And you can see people are losing thier sh*t.
Why does every celeb in ads for stuff or on mag covers look like they are trying to channel some Satanic entity or Baphomet (lol) or whatever? Its a great diversion and it helps brainwash the public. The public doesnt realize that the events of the last ten years give alot of weight to those seemingly marketed looks.
Again more thats planned that seems random but isnt. Those of us who have seen whats really gone on since 2003 and even before from late Clinton era-the Satanizing of American society is downright disturbing and soul crushing. Exactly its purpose-this environment they've created will help finish us off.
Bands into Satanism used to be percieved as thier own business or kind of desperate if, like Motley Crue, they looked like it was a gimmick instead of something they believed in enough to be considered a Satanic band. Having stated that-Satanism was supposed to be rebellious. Individualistic perhaps. Im not glorifying cults or all the crime that goes on, but it was...real. It was part of reality or it simply was something a band did that didnt affect you, not enough to be in your face everywhere all the time every second.
There is something fake and creepy about the Satanic content in American society nowadays. Like its being used more for brainwashing the exact same way the Dark Ages was obsessed with the Church and everything HAD TO HAVE religious content to get through especially artwork. If Satanism opposes something, where is that which it opposes?
All they are trying to do is find whats most negative and destructive that humans will go for that will destroy society and then humanity. I suppose thats 'satanic'. I guess all that rebelling no one ever guessed that when Satanism took over as a New World Order that society would become a conformist, boring, regulated place where you arent allowed to get do anything anymore and have no freedom or privacy etc. But it certainly is Hellish, so it qualifies.
Maybe all the fun concerts and music were false promises. Like baiting you with a good time. Becuz everything sucks now and theres NO ENERGY. Its more anti-life than it is Satanic.
Sometimes I think that all the symbolism all the Satanic content- that its to actually block any and all real magick in society or rebellious Satanic natures people have against being ruled over. Something about it is very very fake.
And something about whoever is behind doing this to human society is very non human. Its as if its all orchestrated but not by fellow humans. There is something so damn false about it....so unearthly. Perhaps its just forces that were not common before and average people didnt encounter often.
All I know is that shelters are right out. Becuz I wont take any bullshit this time becuz something about that last dead baby has made me particularly nasty now. I cant see myself just taking crap from bitches in a shelter. I can see me starting to join the ranks of the losers from such places by getting into nasty physical altercations when they piss me off. Which I am going to refrain from...becuz Ive proven my superiority this far Im not going to start backing up now. Lets continue on with that shall we?
This system and all its idiots deserve to be exposed not fed.
That shelter has so many horrible people working there and alot of long term shelter rats.
Many people in on the gang stalking campaign have came from that shelter.
A bunch of ignorant jealous bitches. The annoying black female director ended up back (back?)on crack and left her job I heard.
That place was instrumentsl in helping to destroy me over these years.
Christians who hurt people is what they are. Fake Christians. Also cowardly, weak, stupid people who work or stay in religous based homeless shelters and take advantage hiding in such a place but DONT HAVE THE INTELLIGENCE OR BALLS TO BE OUTRIGHT OR OVERTLY EVIL. Who stays in a Christian shelter but helps destroy people's lives or mess with people?
People who want to be bad asses but dont have the guts to do so out in society. Probably they were in jail too long and usually such people were wimps in jail. Nowadays every shithead who's lower class talks about thier (BORING) endless stream of charges, jail time and probation. The whole thing really is disgusting, a bore and quite...embarassing.
In the REAL WORLD of GROWN UP or professional organized crime, if you go to jail you are an idiot. It was that way when I was little. This psuedo bad ass, ghetto-fied culture for poor people nowadays is just ANOTHER SCAM BY THE ESTABLISHED SYSTEM to keep poor people down...since church and drink no longer works, and oppression doesnt fly anymore, they gotta use jails and psychiatry.
As usual the lower classes just dont see it and anyone who does gets targeted or destroyed, beat down, whatever. Unless they are lucky enough to have the right circumstances and they become actually effective at going against the system. But its never enough nowadays, everything is so controlled.
Ive heard of and dealt with real stand up cons from the prison system. THEY ARE NOTHING LIKE THE LOSERS ONE HAS TO DEAL WITH IN SHELTERS ETC WHEN BEING A GANG STALKING TARGET.
These are people who wish they were stand up cons or want to be bad ass. If you behave that badly in a space like a homeless shelter thats supposed to be a safe space as well as you try to be aggressive in some way towards another person you cant be that much of a tough person or a real bad ass. You are weak. You are stupid. You are a loser.
Thats what Ive had to deal with in shelters for years. People who think just becuz a few shithead crooked cops (run by the intel people who are connected to the larger system I assume) and thier cronies in the administration of these shelters tell them to mob a Target who's at the shelter, they are in on something big that makes them powerful. Its a simple gang mentality and it REEKS of being part of the CIA connected experimentation such as Jonestown.
And it doesnt surprise me that AFRICAN AMERICANS were predominantly the population of The People's Temple as much of the pro perp groups Ive encountered as well as the people in shelters who are part of what seems like unprofessional mobbing groups of targets-its either largely a black population or its nigrified/ghettofied. Most homeless shelter culture is Afro-ghettofied which is why alot of people dont want to go to shelters. And I now realize that isnt by mistake or coincidence. As paranoid as it sounds, it seems the shadow system somehow found something very much of value to them and thier operations within the communities of former slaves of African descent.
Shelter rat people in on gang stalking are the biggest pains in the asses you can imagine. They make up a large amount of the harsssment a homeless ti encounters, and thats all races and cultures included. They inhabit night shelters and day drop ins..every single one in fact. Its different from when a shelter is taken over by a professional perp group. Those people are usually viscous, relentless, always on the job and excell at mind fucking the TI. THey usually leak info they shud not know to the Target often out of arrogance, part of a messing with the person's mind or sometimes I think...out of whatever is left of them thats human. Those people actually let the TI in on the fact they are being gang stalked. Strangely, the shelter rat perps who are in shelters anyway and just by however it works, ends up being part of mobbing the Target while the person is in that shelter.
The shelter rat mobbing groups seem to consist of an 'IN' crowd connected to staff in the shelter(s). They are people who you can tell are in there anyway not sent in for an operation as professionals. They are only a fraction of the population staying in the shelter.
Professional groups who do gang stalking of a Target are cohesive as one large group. EVERYONE staying there at that time is in on it. They act and do things that actors would do. They have timing, can take cues quickly and one can see them working together daily as a group there for a single purpose. The members of these groups often seem brainwashed but not stupid and Ive seen them being not dumb animals reacting to mobbing cues and wanting to be bad asses but legitamately dangerous, viscous people who do what they do professionaly. They also have access to info they reveal which the other lame asses who are mere shelter rats do not.
I dont think that the shelter rat types are capable of weaving in info into a conversation just so, so that it subtley fucks with the TI's mind. In fact, the shelter rats are the ones who most often DONT allow a TI to know ANYTHING is going on or reveal any sort of info at all. They make stupid faces around the TI as if they are steeling themselves against how awful the whole situation is which is nothing more than false drama and wanna be criminal behavior. Real criminals have poker faces and smoothly guide thier victims down where they want them- I know Ive dealt with them for years. Its the small time nobody fakers in the shelter system who are doing nothing more than bullying really, using the Target to get off on a FANTASY of committing crime.
Becuz the professional perp groups have absolutely NO sympathy for the Target. In fact they often have a sadistic sense of amusement or humor about what they are doing to the person and this adds to their sense of being clever that they use in further acting out skits as part of the psy ops.
Shelters are also targeted with tech influence. Either that or they've got a hell of a good psychic warrior program working on reaching Targets in shelters. I say its tech but I cant say for sure. Every shelter Ive ever been in is effected by tech. Alot of them are so hurting for money they have cell repeaters on top of the buildings which of course is the system's dream becuz Targeted Individuals stay in shelters when driven that far by GS programs right? Its all so damn convenient for them.
People think society is random. When something like the last ten to twenty years is planned out by such criminally insane people as Bush, Reagan and the elites and thier Nazi friends who inspired them to such ends (and means-Project Paperclip), artisans of social engineering like that are not going to leave anything to being random. In fact, such fine artists are going to be so delicate, so talented, so convincing that they create the illusion that much of reality is random and chance.
Its not chance to fuck up the street scene from the 60's and 70's by letting all the mentally ill out of the state hospitals then ten years later introducing crack. Then creating anti drug laws, while your adminstration pays rebels off in a war WITH DRUGS, which then connects to sourcing out community destroying drugs like crack to black gangs who then take rap music and make it into something that sounds merely hypnotic, that takes over society-dumbing people down and encouraging them to glorify being kept down in a ghetto reality.
All along you feed the prison system which becomes totally corporate and you then create a system and a people that feed psychiatry which by now deals drugs for Big Pharma- of which Bush has been on the board of directors for. (Lily).
Then you divert everyone in the 90's with heroin, self indulgent depression and a false sense of security-then send in a second generation of Bush so when something seemingly 'randomly' blows up, its no longer of interest to the public that his brother most likely scammed him the election.
Then, under the guise of war and anti terror you then heavily and overtly target every person who has ever been a problem, will be a problem or was targeted from birth as part of a classified or black project. Those people end up out on the street, homeless.
You now have created such a horrible environment out in 'the street' that there is no way any sort of revolution, rebellion or anything else sensible is going to come out of such a population-even though you are driving the most likely possible leaders of such things out into the streets, historically where revolutions breed.
You then make every ignorant, misinformed, traumatized then brainwashed citizen hateful and paranoid of anyone who is from 'the street' minus of course the ghettofied types who you want all lower class people to emulate-most of whom will work for you willingly or through slight coercion anway.
THAT is not random. That is engineered. And people like my mother, who thinks she's smart about politics or the people involved, used to parrot what other Americans said about Bush. That he was a wimp becuz he was skinny most likely or didnt react to certain situations.
These are people who dont watch closely enough. They watch tv but they arent watching THE REALITY thats being broadcast to them through the tv.
Real criminals hide. Being seen as flightly, a wimp, stupid etc is great cover. Just think about the criminally insane villains in the old bond movies-they never came out of thier lairs to be seen in public usually or if they did they hid in plain sight.
Its often shocking to me that people ask me what I do for a living. In my youth at parties one just did NOT ask that question. Its a sign of being unsophisticated and most normal,average Americans I have met traveling ask me repeatedly such questions.
That is how little Americans understand the world of crime. Cops act stupid too. They love Chief Wiggum or the KeyStone cop character. The donut jokes. Many of them Ive seen might be off the wall or seem criminally insane themselves but they arent stupid. Ive found them to be good actors. The only thing about them is that when they feel there is a free line of communication, such as you are telling the truth and the situation becomes harmless, they can then become seeminly normal human beings- which does not happen with perps or shelter rats. Which tells you they probably arent in on gang stalking becuz the cops who are, are just as vile as the pros maybe even creepier. Many of them are overtly demonic in thier little uniforms.
I believe criminals minds are superior simply becuz they are psychic. Highly intelligent yes but criminals are predators becuz you dont think as fast or know what they know. Cops would have to be capable of the same levels to work with criminals.
The only fun you get to have is watching shelter rats become aware that you arent stupid and in fact most TIs are highly intelligent. However, most of them are so into shooting false drama up thier viens that they dont care anything about your character. In fact, the more People magazine bullshit factoids they know about you, the creepier it is that they are in on anything as intimate as destroying YOUR life.
They really dont deserve it.
This is why I wont go to a shelter, specifically that one in Somerville.
In fact I have had it with that place from two years ago. And Pine Street before that etc.
If I end up going to any shitty shelter again I am going to be a problem. I am going to punch out bitches instead of tolerating any bullshit. That Somerville shelter, especially Catholic Charities who have some horrible shelters like in San Dieog also- very offensive to me as my family is Catholic even if I am not-that place needs to be burnt to the fuckin ground actually.
Ive got no problem nowadays with such an action.
Im not going to go all the way down to thier level in such a place. Id rather be outside where my not taking crap is a necessary part of nightly survival and is appropriate to the environment. If you start putting Travelers in shelters who are tired and sick struggling to function- you are going to get alot of violent energy as Travelers have to function on superhuman levels compared to homeless staying in shelters.
The public think the sensible people are in shelters and the fuck ups are outside. Actually anyone staying away from shelters is showing self respect and if its a Traveler, the person is too big, too smart, too creative and too powerful as an individual for a shelter. It would be like putting a big wolf in with a bunch of domesticated animals. Of course the domesticated animals will mob and kill the wolf-but if the wolf reacts in self defense finallly then it is the one who is wrong or evil or whatever.
Those kinds of people have always thought this way about things and the shadow system uses thier instincts in thier operations.
They know damn well that Survivors (of Ritual Abuse, classified projects or high level programming) are akin to supermen or women or at least strong resourceful loner types who are trained to make it on thier own and who are used to running off of INTERNAL programming not the programming society gives people to live in the world.
This is why its so important to mob one single Target. Someone somewhere genuinely believes that its best for society if these lone, powerful people become as dumbed down as everyone who is coming after them. They may be right but the problem is that THEY and THIER SYSTEM created such lone wolves capable of such power.
They cant just create and destroy as they please for thier own benefit. They THINK they can but they also think that they can control an entire planet of people with mass mind control via chemicals and technologies as well as thier little human intel forces.
They are the kind of people who believe there are 'no rules'. If that were true, then this planet would have been their's long ago. If that were possible then the planet would not have been created for a balance of different kinds of beings.
The darker forces today believe that there are no rules, might makes right and that just becuz you want the world to be just for 'the elite' that the rest of humanity has to be destroyed.
The only thing they have is progresses in technologies and sciences generally. They have hidden this progress from the public and are keeping people ignorant while using this progress against the public.
I find it very interesting that its so important to destroy me or make sure I dont write my book becuz they keep convincing me, now daily, that no one is going to read it...that no one is listening. If that is true then why is it so important to prevent the creation of such an supposedly unimportant thing?
Though with the govt shutdown it seems peaceful, there is now the worst campaign against me Ive experienced in my entire life. They are really going in for the kill now, looking to break me permanently it seems. As if society demands it for some sort of finalization or peace.
I will tell you one thing- this timeline is false. Completely false. This is in no way shape or form what my life was supposed to look like or be. To try to validate or solidify or make permanent or seal this fate of mine or this timeline as its been is COMPLETELY INSANE. The people behind trying to use mass mind control and very powerful black magick (with tech and legit sciences of course in unison) to push the events to happen as they have and then try to keep society that way ARE INSANE. And you can see people are losing thier sh*t.
Why does every celeb in ads for stuff or on mag covers look like they are trying to channel some Satanic entity or Baphomet (lol) or whatever? Its a great diversion and it helps brainwash the public. The public doesnt realize that the events of the last ten years give alot of weight to those seemingly marketed looks.
Again more thats planned that seems random but isnt. Those of us who have seen whats really gone on since 2003 and even before from late Clinton era-the Satanizing of American society is downright disturbing and soul crushing. Exactly its purpose-this environment they've created will help finish us off.
Bands into Satanism used to be percieved as thier own business or kind of desperate if, like Motley Crue, they looked like it was a gimmick instead of something they believed in enough to be considered a Satanic band. Having stated that-Satanism was supposed to be rebellious. Individualistic perhaps. Im not glorifying cults or all the crime that goes on, but it was...real. It was part of reality or it simply was something a band did that didnt affect you, not enough to be in your face everywhere all the time every second.
There is something fake and creepy about the Satanic content in American society nowadays. Like its being used more for brainwashing the exact same way the Dark Ages was obsessed with the Church and everything HAD TO HAVE religious content to get through especially artwork. If Satanism opposes something, where is that which it opposes?
All they are trying to do is find whats most negative and destructive that humans will go for that will destroy society and then humanity. I suppose thats 'satanic'. I guess all that rebelling no one ever guessed that when Satanism took over as a New World Order that society would become a conformist, boring, regulated place where you arent allowed to get do anything anymore and have no freedom or privacy etc. But it certainly is Hellish, so it qualifies.
Maybe all the fun concerts and music were false promises. Like baiting you with a good time. Becuz everything sucks now and theres NO ENERGY. Its more anti-life than it is Satanic.
Sometimes I think that all the symbolism all the Satanic content- that its to actually block any and all real magick in society or rebellious Satanic natures people have against being ruled over. Something about it is very very fake.
And something about whoever is behind doing this to human society is very non human. Its as if its all orchestrated but not by fellow humans. There is something so damn false about it....so unearthly. Perhaps its just forces that were not common before and average people didnt encounter often.
All I know is that shelters are right out. Becuz I wont take any bullshit this time becuz something about that last dead baby has made me particularly nasty now. I cant see myself just taking crap from bitches in a shelter. I can see me starting to join the ranks of the losers from such places by getting into nasty physical altercations when they piss me off. Which I am going to refrain from...becuz Ive proven my superiority this far Im not going to start backing up now. Lets continue on with that shall we?
This system and all its idiots deserve to be exposed not fed.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Brandon Small: Another Disinfo Tool On Comedy Central/ DETHKLOK Sucks
And Brandon Small is a total c*nt.
Its sad when you have to be part of a cult to get anywhere or make it in the industry.
Which proves all media out there now is worthless.
While they are out there setting down this New World Order we are creating one of our own-without people like him.
Black, white and red it up buddy.
What a f*ckin' tool.
The show even portrayed the way that Illuminati works with other powerful institutions to manipulate the world and he created disinformation by making it just a comical mocking cartoon.
What do you expect from a network wherr Adult Swim was sponsored by the US Navy and Army ads?
Yah! REAL alternative.
And Brandon Small is a total c*nt.
Its sad when you have to be part of a cult to get anywhere or make it in the industry.
Which proves all media out there now is worthless.
While they are out there setting down this New World Order we are creating one of our own-without people like him.
Black, white and red it up buddy.
What a f*ckin' tool.
The show even portrayed the way that Illuminati works with other powerful institutions to manipulate the world and he created disinformation by making it just a comical mocking cartoon.
What do you expect from a network wherr Adult Swim was sponsored by the US Navy and Army ads?
Yah! REAL alternative.
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