“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” --Maya Angelou

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Here we go again or rather I don't think so this time.

  It seems like I'm getting a lot of activity that resembles the frame up era of 2016. 

If anyone actually believes that will work again or that any sort of deception, profiling, false reports, false witness etc is going to work this time you're sadly mistaken. 

I'm ready. And there's a lot of people who care that won't let it happen again and there's people who stand by the truth who won't allow it to happen.

My doctor's concerned about my heart because of all of the stress of the last four or five years ever since the frame up in 2016 which basically destroyed my life and destroyed my health preventing me from traveling making me afraid of everything and making me unable to deal with authority figures to defend myself for to even advocate for myself or even other people the psychological damage and the PTSD that was induced from that event in 2016 is something the system is going to have to account for eventually.

My mother had a stroke in the last year I'm busy taking care of her I can't afford to have a heart attack my doctors concerned I've already been in the hospital once and if I had any kind of heart attack or stress related health issue happened to me I am going to go after everybody I can involved now and then so every time you pull nonsense will you approach me in a way that's aggressive intimidating profiling making it look like I did something wrong you're trying to scare me with scare tactics abusing power in your position of authority you need to realize that you have a direct effect on my stress levels where my heart is just about ready for a first heart attack. And that is directly from everything I'm dealing with with being harassed by train drivers who won't open up the trains for people who are disabled which I've called Washington on that already and I'm going to take care of this issue as well next week cuz I'm not doing this anymore it's not like it was in 2016 I'm getting too old for this.

My intention is to get my mother's situation taken care of advocate for her get her in a safe place take care of my partner's medical issues and my medical issues and go inside somewhere eventually and those two books I'm going to written regardless of if you give me a heart attack or not. 

But don't think I won't take the state the county cities and everybody else involved to task if I end up on the hospital bed with any kind of coronary issues and it's all from stress over the last four or five years and you will be blamed and you will be held accountable.

It's not like it was before I was ignorant of the law and never had to deal with any kind of abuse of power that was directly from authority it was always kind of done sneaky in the background so after 2016 I am fully prepared and I don't have the health nor the time for this anymore so I'm going to go directly to the top and make sure it does not happen again it's not like it was before.

What's interesting is that this was attempted last year as well and in adjacent town. Thank goodness some people in the community step forward who know me as well as I made a video to show how ridiculous this was and it immediately went away. But what's interesting about that is that the way I was approached this evening was the same exact made up manufactured fake attitude of looking me up and down is if I'm dangerous appearing as if there's something really wrong with what is happening here acting as if the authorities themselves are concerned it's the same exact stupid looks on their faces as last year. It's the same fabricated contrived over dramatic drama queen nonsense where it's to make you feel uncomfortable and intimidated when they're simply supposed to be asking you a simple question.

And it was done inappropriately with the wrong kind of authority making contact is me. Last year I have to hand it to them it was done with more class and comfort in mind I was approached by a higher up who simply asked me question s Even though they were games played like I said I advocated and the nonsense went away. Now this evening we're back to 2016 where a higher up did not have the respect to simply approach me it was done by people that to me are scary and how the 2016 has given me permanent PTSD. Which I do not have time for I do not have time to have a heart attack or not be able to advocate for my mother because I'm in a jail cell again for 4 months when I didn't do anything wrong. My partner actually believes he overheard one of the authority figures involved say the words do you want to hold him which would have been the biggest fucking mistake of your life because I have learned how to deal with this bowl shit drama play and this coin teleproofed up nonsense I learned very well in 2016 and there is no absolutely no way that you would have gotten out of that without being slammed with a major lawsuit. Especially since I've had an older retired officer from that very present turn to me in Kenmore square as I posted in this blog many years ago and tell me that he's harassing me while I'm trying to make money being a poor single female traveler who's been pushed through the cracks on purpose cuz I'm inconvenient He's telling me to my face is that his job is to harass me because my former landlord pays him a stipend every month. Now I understand this person is retired but this person is from the same place that I dealt with tonight so I could easily turn around and say that this is further harassment from the same source they just decided to start it back up now for whatever reason. And that's also another issue I haven't solved either I'm going to go after that woman that owns that building so no stipend in the world that you get every month is going to save her at all. People died in that building that shouldn't have because of her negligence and her family's negligence and she's dishonest she was housing a drug addict he used to rob all of the elderly people that she was manipulating in the building oh I've got a list of stuff also I had to sign a gag order when my health was ruined for life and I was given hardly nothing and had to sign out of court because of intimidation and it ruined my health with the rest of my life which is one of the reasons I sleep outside so if you don't like the way I look and you don't like me being a traveler and an urban camper then maybe you should stop protecting the very source of the thing that made it so I have in terrible environmental allergies that make it so I can't be inside with any mold or anything that's going to affect my chemical sensitivity. Because that's all her fault and I did the right thing once you proper channels and I was screwed. Now on top of that I had to sign a gag order so that I could not save the other people in that building how do you think that feels for somebody who's an activist? But don't worry someday I will fix it because I'm not letting that one go I'll make sure that these people that are corrupt hurting the elderly taking advantage of poor people I'm going to make sure that they are accountable and there's transparency and I'm going to cost the system so much money with mold removal and laws concerning mold in these human old building areas you're going to wish you had gotten rid of me you and all of your cronies and all the crooked landlords that exist You're going to wish you had buried me in 2004 or whatever because I'm going to be the biggest pain in your ass. So I guess maybe trying to give me a heart attack is your only way out at this point but I wouldn't suggest it.

Now let's do the threatening email disclaimer. If you get a threatening email from me when somebody's signing my name is me if you dare take me to jail or interfere with my library take my liberty away at all you are going to be so much money and I will ruin your careers and I will definitely have your pensions taken away because we've been through this before and there should be laws in place now to make it so it doesn't happen anymore and there should have been lost to make it so it never happened to me a 2016 and if there are laws then you didn't obey them to begin with.. so we're not doing this again if any threatening emails come in with my name on it your best bet is to go and find out with an actual real IT person not some jerk off who immediately points to finger at me because that's how you wanted to end up you better have an investigator find the bastard and don't even try to take me away Also you're going to have a hell of a hard time because even though I just gave you motive you could say I'm pissed off at this particular precinct I'm pissed off at this town I'm pissed off at this place so you're going to act like that's my motive and a cell phone or a computer could be using means and the opportunity I never put down the name of the place on my blog I never mentioned the name. So I'm not naming exactly who it is you say I have the motive to send the email to so first of all the asshole stalker that did this to me in 2016 is going to have a hell of a time trying to find out where to send it number one and number two if it isn't sent from somebody who's using my blog then it's going to be even easier to find the perpetrators because then we have to assume it's somebody involved in the harassment themselves. That narrows down your suspects.

I'm already getting the feds involved in anybody that does not do their job governing their organizations you see what the public transportation because they can't be trust anymore they're agenda as obviously with their head of their asses and taking care of the most vulnerable people so they need to be spoken to by true adults I guess. And I'll do the exact same thing with anybody else that wants to misbehave at this point because how dare you do this when coveted is still an issue? What the hell is our people thinking?

So don't try to send any emails under my name to yourselves Don't have any of your clown hacker friends do it either Don't approach me disrespectfully do not mess with me and don't even try to make it look like the way that I dress can make me profile and like I did something wrong because it's not going to work I did this in 2016 and I'm really good at defending myself and I have absolutely zero patients with my mother being sick why aren't you getting it through your skulls I'm in severe protection road of a parent there is no way that I'm going to let you interfere with what I need to get done it doesn't matter if I dress funky and I'm outside it doesn't mean I don't have a serious mind and you're going to seriously be in trouble if you interfere in with me taking care of my parent. Also when I approach that particular pricing I'm going to make sure that they realize that this particular parent who I'm caring for has a long association with them and all the old timers that works there they're probably recently retired they know my mother is going to be somebody left it works there didn't knows so they're not going to be too happy to hear that I'm being put into position where I'm going to end up in a hospital or I can't take care of my mother or I'm being threatened to feel like I'm going to end up in a jail cell again what I didn't do anything wrong when I'm trying to take care of my mother who is basically helpless at this point without me because she can't function to do things and coordinate things. My mother and I have a long standing in that community and I will find people from the old days that know us and I will make sure that you can no longer harm me or my parents and by the way I don't have a father figure I was raised by my parent I'm the daughter of a single parent household do you understand the bond we're talking about I will defend my mother this is Lee and the hematite until the fucking end as she will do for me that is a strong bond. And I don't need a bunch of mail shenanigans and testosterone and her fearing with that and if you keep screwing around I will get the biggest bitch female lawyer and every woman I can think of to understand what I'm talking about about being the soul remaining person to defend your mom and your the only daughter how many people do you think are going to sympathize with that it doesn't matter how I dress I'm now taking care of an aging parent as well as a partner with medical issues I know how to do this and you're going to lose.

Also as a female I felt extremely intimidated when I was approached and interviewed by two of the people out of the four people involved so the higher-up guy was okay reasonable enough One is a lower down guys was okay but the other two I wouldn't trust him as far as I can throw them they're up to no good. There's no reason that I should be treated like when I did do anything wrong and actually it came out that I was trying to help in a case to catch a criminal which I will do this week and complete it which is going to make the people that mess with me tonight look absolutely ridiculous which I can't wait to complete that. Because like I said we're not doing this like 2016 so back off.

I felt threatened as a woman I felt afraid I felt like I was going to be attacked in any moment I felt like somebody was going to slap cuffs on me when I didn't do anything wrong and my chest is still hurting right now from this because of all the stress of being messed with by the people on the tee that aren't opening the doors like they're supposed to and fighting with me and everyone just being nasty to me lately so if I kill over I'm going to blame you and everyone else has been involved with the last few weeks I tell sue you. 

Your best bet is if you have anybody engaged with me I better be somebody responsible and courteous that does what they're supposed to do the way they're supposed to do it because with me having all this pressure on me right now I don't give a fuck how it appears I live I'm not putting up with any of this crap I'm Middle East woman trying to take care of my family. And by the way like I said I was profiled by somebody that called authorities on us when in fact I'm trying to help solve a case of the crime I'm being accused of. And I was already working with a local police department doing it which makes everyone involve tonight look like an idiot and I cannot wait to go and scold the shit out of that community with these yuppee gentrification condo people these new people who are treating me this way and it community I've been part of often on for 30 years probably before the person was born who called on me tonight just because of the way I look the person wanted to actually make up a story that I did something and then goodness at the higher up authority guy questioned them and they backed down and said that they didn't see us doing anything but because we took a picture of something then we're suspicious well that's fine but when you have authorities come question me I don't need to be treated like I actually did do something this is the same thing as the email is in 2016.

The obvious intention is psychological warfare and harassment The obvious intention is to make me feel frightened and scared and uncomfortable which is unnecessary because all I did was take a photograph which even if I wasn't working with a local police department to solve a crime which is why I took the picture I still shouldn't be treated that way for just taking a picture and a looking the way I look. So if we continue this nonsense I will get a lawyer this time and I'll make sure that the person enjoys going after people like you I'm going to make sure that the person is so sickened with a sense of injustice over the way I have been treated all these years that he'll do it all for free and he'll be on call for every single stupidity like this and I will find that person and I will make sure they are not afraid of Boston or universities or authorities and they're out there believe me.

So if you want to be full hardy enough to base your perceptions of what you can get away with on stupid past stories and past events and people having misconceptions about how we can stupid and vulnerable and poor I am and that makes me an easy mark or if you think the way I dress is going to make a good impression of how you think I'm stupid a week and whatever it is it's not happening you have no what you're dealing and I don't think you have any idea about the people that are willing to protect me against predators especially when I'm in a position where I'm taking care of a sick parent and I cannot afford to have a heart attack and I cannot afford to go to jail again pre trial because of some made up trumped up nonsense about me being dangerous or me doing something I didn't do. Do you know how sickening that 2016 case is going to be when it gets exposed?

So unless you want to be in the mix which I don't think you do when that happens I suggest you do what you're supposed to do according to the book and be professional. Because I don't deserve this I'm the one that's been the victim here for decades in this area of the country and everybody knows it so why don't you show some humanity professionalism and decency and if that doesn't work why don't you be smart because the smart move right now would to be the back-off because not only is 2016 a bad example of something you don't want to be part of also when people learn about what I'm dealing with taking care of a parent and what I've been through and how I'm putting all of my health on the back burner and killing myself basically to get all this done no one's going to synthesize with you they're going to sympathize with me which they should have been doing this whole time anyway but I keep my problems private but if this keeps up I'll get every advocate every lawyer I will get an army together and there's a lot of people that are going to be pissed so I suggest you get out of the mix you do not want to involve yourself in the crap that went down in 2016 or even come close to it.

Because if you think that those clowns in Cambridge and in New Hampshire are going to get away with what they got away with they haven't gotten away with it it's just hasn't happened yet that they are going to be held accountable so I guess trying to give me a heart attack is the best you're going to be able to do I'll write killing me other than that I suppose. Because eventually I'm going to take back what's my and justice will be served and of sorry and when my book comes out it'll be even more sick and I when the public sees that the real criminals the real bad people including my own family members have lived great lives they have houses they have all this money they were handed everything because they were part of the corruption whereas my mother has to live in one step above low income housing where she's being mistreated and I have to live out of a storage space. Eventually the scales are going to balance you're not going to win.  And you're certainly not going to Ace this game by playing at the same way people tried to play it in 2016 or even last year.

So calm your jacks and cool down and stop trying to work so hard you friendly be nice because courteous I always try to do the same. And by the way I was told tonight directly to as the people were leaving one of them said to me but we were body cams and blah blah blah and I'll reach out to someone so next week. Well what's the comment about the body camps I know violence occurred no one tried to put a chokehold on you so why do I give a shit? What was that comment about why always dealing with body cams when all you're supposed to do is question me about taking a photo of something on a wall? It seems like somebody is very very intensely intent on defending themselves like maybe they did something wrong not me? Lol.

For all the TI's out there with the GS theory I knew this would happen I knew they would find a way around the body camps well I knew that they would do something right so it's pretty much what I guess it would be which is the only thing that people washing the body can footage can see is the person in front of the body camp and the actions of the authorities.. 

However the person washing the body cam footage can't see what the officer is doing when they talk to the person and being filmed which is the suspect or whatever you want to call the civilian so if the person was the authority figure wearing the body cam is making you feel nervous staring at you like they're going to attack you if they're doing whatever others psychologicals they do to make you feel scared or frightened or react badly they're basically beating you with psychological warfare and how many people are going to react badly when you can't see this on the body caps. I even predicted this on my blog years ago that once they get body cams are going to come up with ways of messing with people where they can't say or do physically stuff anymore but they can sort of probably use some kind of psychological warfare and it seems to me in theory that's exactly what they're doing and I just expect it as much. Too bad they weren't wearing body cams in 2016 or I would have a nice big fat case on my hands where I could sue the shit out of everybody and make like millions of dollars and take people's pensions away.

Because the way they approach me in 2016 was completely outrageous and if it was on body cam footage I'd be a millionaire right now.

And this is what I expected so that's one of the reasons why probably that you know there's the stair you feel like you're going to be attacked or made to feel like you did something wrong it was looking down at my boobs now looking at my patches as if I have like a wired bomb in my jacket The whole thing was absolutely ridiculous but that's probably because of the body camp s they have to do stuff now that psychological warfare because they can't get away with being overly ridiculous with being irresponsible or harassing or making stuff up.

And another saying is that one of them talking to me when he had me alone to touching something on his bill and I'm 51 years old and I don't know the stuff that authorities wear anymore as a gear they have all this new stuff and I don't know what the hell it is but to me in my perception because I was so scared just being talked to that way being looked at like I was going to be attacked by a mail of the species I felt as if the person was grabbing handcuffs I know the handcuffs are in the back but when I was being attacked psychologically tonight I kept thinking he's going to grab his handcuffs and put them on me he's going to grab his handcuffs and put them on me I didn't do anything. So I felt victimized by that as well because it was almost like I was going to be arrested and that's the way I was being traded and of course that doesn't come up on the body care which works perfectly doesn't it?

Another saying is I had a card in my hand I was trying to pay for something in a store and that was also being stared at is if it was a weapon and it was strange and there was something wrong with it and everything that I did every time I moved my hands every time I moved there was two people out of the four people there that their job was to make me feel uncomfortable and one of them had this look on his face like he was cynical and his believe me and I must have done it. Like I said I don't need this crap and we're not doing this I'm hip to the games and I'm seasoned at this nonsense since 2006 with the body cam psychological warfare theory I have now and I'm pretty much seasoned with being framed up since 2016.

So I'm glad that this happened tonight because it made it so that I could contribute once again to the GS theory and help people in the TI community so you have done your Civic duty by doing a public service to help people that need help even if that wasn't your intention boys. Lol. 

So I will go and help solve this crime that I was trying to solve because I have a personal invested interest in it because I won't revenge against the person who perpetrated one of their crimes with me present and I'm not going to put up with it and I'm also trying to protect my people I'm trying to protect homeless people urban campers like I said the most vulnerable of us are being left behind which is why I'm involved in trying to solve this crime or this person going around committing these crimes. So the irony of me being accused of committing this crime is so outrageous I cannot wait to exploit the shit out of this and the way I was traded tonight as well as by the community as well as the authorities believe me I'm going to Make use of it.

Once again I'm out there doing the right thing I'm out there working hard as in your level working your life because remember you get to go home to a house in a shower and a place to put your stuff I'm fighting battles on a lot of different levels living like people doing the military backpack. How's that Make you feel hey? You never thought of it that way did you or maybe you did and the guilt as well as feeling inferior somehow especially to a mirror female that must suck, it must really really be disturbing. Just wait until my books get written then it's really going to be a party. You better give me that heart attack while you still have a chance if I were you I would because after those books are written it's going to get really really ug ly because you guys guessed I guess Boston and all of its protectors and it's cronies this area of the country I guess you can depend on everyone being afraid of you but the difference is is that the respect you get is out of fear the respect I get is out of forgetting actual real respect that's deserved and earned. Why don't you think about that.